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The Boardroom Published by Gregory W. Huber Copyright 2011 by Gregory W. Huber, Allentown, PA.

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The Boardroom by G. W. Huber

It is a little known fact that colonoscopies were developed during a secret board meeting a few years ago. At the end of a big bong hit, one of the board members said, "I know what we can do to the middle-class next." After a long, bubbling draw he continued, Well develop a process where they volunteer to have a camera jammed up their asses." He passed the pipe around and the next member took a hit and said, "But won't that be messy? I'm not a doctor, but I'm sure it'll be a mess." Laughter erupted all around and the next bong-hitter, who was a woman said, "A lot of doctors won't agree to it for that reason, I'm afraid." The first board member was rolling now and he suggested, "That's how we'll bring in our friends in pharmaceuticals. We'll have them develop a concoction that will clean out the entire bowel." The marketing manager said, "Great! We'll develop a cute little euphemism for it. You know, one that obscures its real purpose, like 'Patriot Act'." "How about Go-Lightly?" someone suggested and the room broke into fits of laughter again. "When it should really be called Bowel Volcano. "Yeah," said board member number one. "They'll be so weak by the time they get to the doctor that they'll be happy to bend over and grab their ankles for the camera-cram." "But how will we convince them to do it?" asked a new, naive member. "Fear!" the room cried out as one.

"Really? asked the new guy. "We'll just tell them that they'll all get cancer or something like that if they don't do it," said the first member. The room was silent for a time, except for the occasional sound of bubbles brewing and a loud raspy cough. It was dark in there, so the members could accurately say that they were never certain exactly who was present, should they ever be pressed. Then a deep, quiet voice came from the head of the conference table and said, "You know people, if we can pull this off, we'll know it's time to foreclose on their homes and make them give up their collective bargaining rights."

THE END (For the middle-class)

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