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Feedback questions

How well do you agree with the following statements: Circle your answer. The opening sequence of TORMENT made me want to see more Agree A Bit Not Sure Disagree

I felt that there were conventions of mystery and suspense in the 2 minutes opening of TORMENT Agree A Bit Not Sure Disagree

I thought the editing techniques that were used in the opening sequence of TORMENT engaged me Agree A Bit Not Sure Disagree

There was a variety of camera works used to create tension and suspense Agree A Bit Not Sure Disagree

I think that the sounds used were appropriate for the opening sequence. Agree A Bit Not Sure Disagree

I think that the storyline was appropriate for a thriller genre Agree A Bit Not Sure Disagree

The mise-en-scene (setting) was appropriate Agree A Bit Not Sure Disagree

If it were a film, I would watch it in cinema Agree A Bit Not Sure Disagree

If it were a film, I would recommend it Agree A Bit Not Sure Disagree

What improvements do you feel that the opening sequence needs? ....

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