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Here Comes the Judge

But What If
To embrace our sacred Truth, cling to cleanliness of heart, its purity is for real. The willful and arrogant are impure and self absorbed, they only fake it, really. Modesty has flown the world and decency is scoffed at1 thus, the Truth is subverted. I must do whats right for me is the credo of the day; and, life becomes but what if Our teachers fill our children with the most selfish of thoughts -crushed and smothered are their hearts. With forked tongues, they teach the young, intoxicating venom and there is no Truth serum. We have just this antidote: Where evil abounded, grace did more abound.2 So, embrace the young ones and immune them from perilous willfulness and arrogance. Yes, cling with a pure, clean heart, and edify our children, help them realize the Truth

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Father Judge Meditations p309: line 22 Romans 5: 20

September 30, 2011

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