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CCEA Executive Meeting Minutes February 16, 2012 7:00 7:35 am at Lakeview

Present: Janet Oliver, Karen Onorato, Jake Little, Erika Myers, Joy DeFors, Jeannie Wyse, Annie Enzbigilis, Kim Swaekauski, Andrea Conley I. Approval minutes from January meeting II. Annie motioned to approve the minutes, Jake seconded the motion. The January minutes were approved Treasurers Report III. There are no changes to the treasurers report. Joy motioned to approve the minutes. Karen seconded the motion. The Treasurers report was approved. Positives/Concerns Ide +Teachers thought that the meeting with the superintendent search firm went well -There are concerns over the day custodian. When he is absent from work (which happens often), there is no one to open the doors and teachers are often waiting outside the building for long periods of time +When the custodian is absent, Alberto does an outstanding job covering at Ide Prarieview +The district fundraiser went well -There are teachers concerned over the 3 separate retirement parties -The art and music rooms are frequently used for meetings and are not being put back in order Lakeview +Administration has been very supportive of student projects (Cancer Smashers, Pack the Place) +Teachers are happy to have Microsoft Office back +Teachers were glad to have clarification in language from Jay on the online class policy -There is a concern over who the new technology position person for Lakeview will be, teachers are hoping to have some input IV. Regional Council Report See February minutes

V. Adjournment

Andrea motioned to adjourn the meeting. Joy seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 a.m.

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