Games For KD 9.2

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ITS TIME TO GAME Rules of the game Its so simple and easy game.

We can call this like a quiz game. Simple rules, the teacher provides some questions about from 5 to 10 questions. Teacher gives some clues to student. Students are allowed to answer the question by conquest system. After that, teacher will face students expression of asking and giving opinion, like and dislike, asking for clarification. 1. Students were divided into 3-4 groups 2. Questions divided into 3 categorizes ( Sport, People, Animal ) 3. The correct answer gets 10 point 4. The wrong answers gets 0 point 5. The maximum score is 100 point 6. Score allocated to the group How to answer 1. Using conquest system 2. Student raise their hand 3. Then the teacher gives the opportunity to answer Questions Sport Question number 1 This sport does not use a stick, ball or weapon to play it. This is a game sport There are two players in this sport It uses board Players use their mind The answer is Chess What do you think about chess ? I think , chess is a difficult games but sometimes is fun Do you like chess ? Not really Are you sure ? Yes, I am sure Question number 2 There are many persons in this sport It uses safety waredrobe It is all about speed Casey Stoner is one of rider in this sport The answer is Motor racing / Moto GP
Original Creator K.Agi Riwanda

What is your opinion about Moto GP ? In my opinion, Moto GP is a cool sport Do you love it ? I love it so much Really ? Yes , of course Question number 3 This sport increases your adrenaline Player must wears safety waredrobe You must look the target DuaaRRRR !!!! Thats sound The answer is Shooting Could you give me your point of view about shooting ? In my point of view, shooting can increases our adrenaline Do you like shooting ? No, I dislike Are you sure ? Absolutely People Question number 4 He is an athlete He has a nice smile His hair is curly and black He comes from Brazil He is football player Barcelona and A.C Milan are the last his club The answer is Ronaldinho What would you say when you look him ? Hmmm, I believe that he is good player Do you love him? Yes, I love him very much Are you kidding ? No, I swear Question number 5 He has handsome face Brown is his skin He is an actor
Original Creator K.Agi Riwanda

He acts on bollywood Film Kutch-kutch Hota Hai is his fenomenal film The answer is Sharukh Khan Do you have any opinion of Sharukh Khan ? Yes , I have own opinion Do you like him ? I can not say no Is it true ? Yes, its true Question number 6 He is good-looking man He likes wearing tuxedo He is detective He often flatter woman 007 is his code The answer is James Bond What do you think of James Bonds film ? I think that so great film Do you really love his film ? Yes, I do love his film Is it right ? Thats right Animal Question number 7 It is a tame animal It is a cute animal It has good eyes It has long ear It eats carrot The answer is Rabbit What is your opinion of rabbit ? I think rabbit is very cute animal Do you like rabbit ? Yes, I like rabbit. I have one at home Are u sure ? Yes , certainly

Original Creator K.Agi Riwanda

Question number 8 It is a wild animal but sometimes petted by people It has loud sound It has a lot of fur It walks by feet Banana is favourite food The answer is Monkey What do you think when you look yourself ? Hahahaha, Thats not myself. Thats monkey Do you love monkey? Not really like Are you kidding ? No, I am not Question number 9 This animal eats plants and leaves It has long tongue It has long feet It has long neck The answer is Giraffe What is your point of view about this animal ? In my point of view, Giraffe is tall animal, it uses tongue to sweap ear Do you love it ? I say yes, i love it Are you sure ? I am sure Question number 10 It is water animal It has unique sound It is good animal It is kind of fish It is mammal The answer is Dolphin What do you think of dolphin ? I think dolphin is nice animal Do you like dolphin ? Yes, i like dolphin Is it right ? All right
Original Creator K.Agi Riwanda

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