MTP Act, Final

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Presented by: Divya Sridharan PGD-HCM(2011-2013) Welingkar institute of managemnt, development and research


lays down when & where pregnancies can be terminated Grants the central govt. power to make rules and the state govt. power to frame regulations
lays down who can terminate the pregnancy, training requirements, approval process for place, etc. lays down forms for opinion, maintenance of records custody of forms and reporting of cases

MTP Rules

MTP Regulations

Abortions are termed legal only when all the following conditions are met:

Termination done by a medical practitioner approved by the Act Termination done at a place approved under the Act Termination done for conditions and within the gestation prescribed by the Act Other requirements of the rules & regulations are complied with

"guardian" means a person having the care of the person of

a minor or a lunatic. "lunatic" has the meaning assigned to it in Section 3 of the Indian Lunacy Act, 1912 "minor" means a person who, under the provisions of the Indian Majority Act,1875, is to be deemed not to have attained his majority; "registered medical practitioner" means a medical practitioner who possesses any recognised medical qualification as defined in clause (h) of Section 2 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, whose name has been entered in a State Medical Register and who has such experience of training in gynaecology and obstetrics as may be prescribed by rules made under this Act.

Up to 20 weeks gestation With the consent of the women. If the women is below 18 years or is mentally ill, then with consent of a guardian With the opinion of a registered medical practitioner, formed in good faith, under certain circumstances Opinion of two RMPs required for termination of pregnancy between 12 and 20 weeks

Continuation of pregnancy constitutes risk to the life or grave injury to the physical or mental health of woman Substantial risk of physical or mental abnormalities in the fetus as to render it seriously handicapped Pregnancy caused by rape (presumed grave injury to mental health) Contraceptive failure in married couple (presumed grave injury to mental health)

A hospital established or maintained by Government or

A place approved for the purpose of this Act by a District-level Committee constituted by the

government with the CMHO as Chairperson.

Enable proper implementation of the provisions of the Act Ensure that MTP services are provided by qualified persons in safe and hygienic settings Help to monitor quality of services

Experience & training required for providers. Approval of a place for terminating pregnancy under the Act. Composition & tenure of District Level Committee. Inspection, cancellation or suspension of approval. Consent form.

Definitions - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,"Act means the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (34 of 1971); "Chief Medical Officer of the District" means the Chief Medical Officer of a District, by whatever name called; "Form" means a form appended to these rules "Owner" in relation to a place, means any person who is the administrative head or otherwise responsible for the working or maintenance of such hospital or clinic, by whatever name called "Place" means such building, tent, vehicle, or vessel, or part thereof, as is used for the establishment or maintenance therein of a hospital or clinic which is used, or intended to be used, for the termination of any pregnancy. "Section" means a section of the Act.

A medical practitioner (RMP)

who has a recognized medical qualification as defined in clause (h) of section 2 of Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 Whose name has been entered in a State Medical Register and Who has such experience or training in Gynecology and Obstetrics as prescribed by Rules made under the Act

For termination up to 12 weeks:

A practitioner who has assisted a registered medical practitioner in performing 25 cases of MTP of which

at least 5 were performed independently in a hospital

established or maintained or a training institute approved for this purpose by the Government

For termination beyond 12 weeks and up to 20 weeks

A practitioner who holds a post-graduate degree or diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology A practitioner who has completed six months house job in Obstetrics and Gynecology A practitioner who has at least one-year experience in practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology at a hospital which has all facilities A practitioner registered in state medical register immediately before commencement of the Act, experience in practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology for a period not less than three years.

No place shall be approved under clause (b) of Section 4, unless the Government is satisfied that termination of pregnancies may be done therein under safe and hygienic conditions and unless the following facilities are provided therein namely:An operation table and instruments for performing abdominal or gynaecological surgery: anaesthetic equipment, resuscitation equipment and sterilisation equipment drugs and parenteral fluids for emergency use.

Application in Form A to be addressed to CMHO by place seeking approval CMHO verifies or inspects the place to satisfy that termination can be done under safe & hygienic conditions CMHO recommends approval to the committee Committee considers application & recommendation and approve and issue certificate of approval in Form B Place to be inspected within 2 months of receiving application. Certificate to be issued within 2 months of inspection.

District level MTP Committee

Minimum of 3 & Maximum of 5 members including chairperson (CM H O) One medical person (Gyne/Surgeon/Anestheist) One member from local medical profession; NGO & Panchayati Raj Institution of the district. At least one member shall be a woman.

Composition of the committee:

Tenure: 2 calendar years

CMHOs to inspect to ensure safe & hygienic conditions for conduction of MTPs. If the place is found unsatisfactory for safe and hygienic termination the CMHO can Call for information and seize any article, medicine, ampule, admission register or other document, maintained, kept or found at the place.

CMHO to report the committee for unsafe and unhygienic conditions. Committee can suspend or cancel approval after giving the owner an opportunity for representation Owner can reapply to the committee after making additions and improvements. During suspension the place be deemed as non-approved.

Name of the place (in capital letters) Address in full Non-Governmental/Private/Nursing Home/Other Institutions* State, if the following facilities are available at the place An operation table and instruments for performance abdominal or gynaecological surgery. Drugs and parental fluid in sufficient supply emergency cases Anaesthetic equipment, resuscitation equipment and sterilisation equipment. Place : Date : Signature of the owner of the place

It states that the place described below is hereby approved for the purpose of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (34 of 1971). Name of the Place Address and other descriptions Name of the owner Place : Date : to the Government of the ...................

I ............................................................... daughter/wife of ............................................... aged about ............................................ Years of ........................................................................ (here state the permanent address) at present residing at ............................................................... do hereby give my consent to be termination of my pregnancy at ............................................... (State the name of place where the pregnancy is to be terminated). Place : Date : Signature (To be filled in by guardian where the woman is a lunatic or minor). I ................................................. son/daughter/wife of ...................................................... aged about ......................................... Years of ............................................. at present residing at ............................................................................................. (permanent address) ............................................... do hereby give my consent to the termination of my pregnancy of my ward ......................................... who is a minor/lunatic at ................................................ (Place of termination of pregnancy). Place : Date : Signature

Forms to be required for making opinion, admission register and reporting of MTPs Custody of forms Prevention of disclosure of information

"Act" means the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (34 of 1971); "Admission Register" means the register maintained under regulation 5 "Approved place" means a place approved under rule 4 of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Rules, 1975; 'Chief Medical Officer of the State" means the Chief Medical Officer of the State, by whatever name called "Forms" means a form appended to these regulations; "Hospital" means a hospital established or maintained by the Central Government or, the Government of Union territory. "Section" means a Section of the Act.

Forms of certifying opinion or opinions Custody of forms Maintenance of admission register Admission register not to be open to inspection Entries in registers maintained in hospital or approved place. Destruction of Admission Register and other Papers

Every registered medical practitioner who terminates any pregnancy shall, within three hours from the termination of the pregnancy certify such termination in Form 1.

The consent and the certified opinion given by the medical practitioner will be sealed in an envelope and kept in safe custody until it is sent to the head of the hospital or owner of the approved place of the Chief Medical Officer of the State. Every such envelope should contain the serial number assigned to the pregnant woman in the Admission Register and the name of the registered medical practitioner or practitioners by whom the pregnancy was terminated and such envelope shall be marked "Secret". Every head of the hospital or owner of the approved place shall send to the Chief Medical Officer of the State a weekly statement of cases where medical termination of pregnancy has been done in Form II.

Every head of the hospital or owner of the approved place shall maintain a registered in Form III for recording therein the admissions or woman for the termination of their pregnancies. The Admission Register shall be a secret document and the information contained therein as to the name and other particulars of the pregnant woman shall not be disclosed to any person.

Every Admission Register shall be destroyed on the expiry of a period of five years from the date of the last entry in that Register and other papers on the expiry of a period of three years from the date of termination of the pregnancy concerned.

No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother. A choice is only possible if there are genuine alternatives and MTP act provides this choice to every woman.

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