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Lambville Weekly
Week of April 2, 2012

READING: Story Title:

A Glance at Lambvilles Weekly Targets...

LANGUAGE ARTS: -I have learned new vocabulary and can use it in my writing and speaking. -I understand that a good reader makes inferences and draws conclusions -I understand fables. WRITING: -I can creatively write a story about the day in the life of my pencil. -I understand point of view. -I can write a thoughtful literary response using details from the story. SPELLING: -I can spell my words correctly in writing. SOCIAL STUDIES: -I understand communities in 3RD GRADE MATH -I understand extended facts and estimating costs. -I know my multiplication facts. -I can name the parts of a fraction. 4TH GRADE MATH -.I can divide shapes into equal parts. -I can solve fraction-of problems. -I can use pattern blocks to make 2 dimensional shapes. history. -I can compare explorers of history. -I can read a timeline. SCIENCE: -I understand the purpose of a stem on a plant. -I can make educational observations and predictions. -I can explain how water circulates through a plant.

Seven Spools of Thread

Comprehension Strategy: Visualize Comprehension Skill: Draw Conclusions and Make Inferences Writing Trait: Voice Genre: Fiction, Fable Grammar: Verbs - be, do, have Spelling: diphthong ou, ow


August 24: First Day of No School School!

Friday Spring Sing

September 2: First

April 18th

Lambville Happenings...
BIRTHDAY BOARD! Mrs. Lamb 4/13 Vivian 4/22

purchased, quarreling Please bring in an empty egg carton by Thursday, April 5th!

beamed, argued, possessions, fabric,

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