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Lab write-up: LeChatelier's Principle


1) Obtain two test tube that each contain about 2 cm. of the pink cobalt chloride test tubes 1 and 2 and place in a beaker

solution. number the


2)Add drops of HCL to the contents of two test tube, 1 and 2, until the solution in each test tube remains blue with the addition of one drop of Acid. Observe and record any changes in your notebook. -SOLUTION TURNED BLUE 3) Take test tube 1, which contains the blue cobalt solution, and add water drop by drop until cobalt solution returns to the orginal pink color. Observe and record. -ITS BACK TO ITS ORIGINAL PINK COLOR 4) Using a test tube clamp, test tube 1 and place it into a hot water bath. observe and record. -BLUE 5) Remove test tube 1 from the hot water bath and place it into cold water bath -TURN PINK 6) Pour the contents of test tube into the appropriate waste beaker rinse test tube with tap water twice. the

Co(H20)6+2 + 4Cl- + heat ----> CoCl42- + 6H20 blue pink

Word Bank Answer key

1.Immersion 2.Ratio 3.Catalyst 4.Temperature 5.pressure 6.amino acid 7.mass 8.distill 9.hazardous & blue 11. titration 12. intermediate 13. indration 14. reversible 15. supernatant,precipitate 16. endothermic 17. dynamic 18. concentration


Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic condition that changes depending on certain conditions. Our intial solution containeed pink ions. when concentrated HCL was added to the solution, blue ions were formed. At equilibrium the ratio of product concentration to reactant concentration is constant. A chemical reaction that can "favor" either the reactants or the products is considered the reversible. The solution turned lavender when in an intermidiate state between pink Co(H2O)62+ and CoCl42-.The color of the solution changed with changes in the the amount of the blue and pink species of concentration compounds. The effect of temperation was observed when a Co(H2O)62+ solutions was placed placed in hot water, which caused the solution to turn blue. We were able to demonstrate LaChatelier's Principle as two out of three conditions were changed. The one condition that can affect a system in equilibrium that we did not test was pressure.


1. shift to the right to cause the solution. 2. shift to the left the concentration 3. Shift to the right, increasing temperature

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