A Reading List For A Talented American

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A Reading List for a Talented American By Anthony Blackstone, B.A., J.D., Phd. Perpetual (C)Copyright by Anthony J.

Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA) and The American Public, and The People of God and The People

Adventure Stories -The Black Arrow -Robin Hood -King Arthur -The Three Musketeers -The Man Behind the Iron Mask -Ivanhoe -Daniel Boone -Davie Crockett -Rogers Rangers -Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn -The History of the Roman Empire -The History of the Greek Empire -King Richard the Lion Hearted -Robert Louis Stevenson Author -Alexandre Dumas Author -

Plays and Stories Anton Chekov Uncle Vanya Kafka Corporal Schweik Tolstoy War and Peace Chapek War of the Newts Shakespeare Plays

Science Fiction Asimov I Robot and others Piers Anthony Adept Series Xanth Series Robert Heinlien Star Trooper and others

Reference Books Blackstone on Law Coke on Law Blacks Law Dictionary Jeromes Biblical Commentary McKenzie Dictionary of the Bible Pomeroys Equity Jurisprudence

Occult Fantasy CS Lewis Narnia series Tokien The Hobbit The Lord of the Ring series

Philosophy Fejfar books on Critical Thomism, Jurisprudence, and Logic Thomas Aquainas Summa Theologica

Posposel Symbolic Logic Heiddeger Being and Time Locke Roussea Rawls A Second Treatise on Government The Social Contract A Theory of Justice

Friere Educational Theory Piaget Cognitive Educational Psychology Kohlberg Moral Educational Psychology Fejfar The Ethical Matrix

Wilber Up from Eden Kant An overview

Hume An overview Bergson An Introduction to Metaphysics Lonergan Insight Lonergan Method in Theology Lonergan Collection wi The Cognitional Structure Karl Rahner Transcendental Theology Husserl Phenomenology Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience Creative Evolution


Fejfar, Derrida is Trashed

Western Novels Zane Grey Author Louis Lemore Author

Management Theory -Maslow on Management -Fejfar on Thomistic Management -

Espionage and Detective Novels -Robery Ludlum Bourne Identity -John LeCarre -Jack Higgins Smileys People Author

Science Basic Physics Gears, Levers, and Pulleys Force = Mass times Accelleration

Newtonian Physics Nick Herbert

Quantum Reality

Fred Allan Wolfe Parallel Universes


Aunitary Quantum Field Theory

Psychology Walter Conn Developmental Psychology Piaget Developmental Psychology Kohlberg Developmental Psychology Fejfar, Cognitive Psychology Fejfar, Pscyhology of Consciousness Wilber, Transpersonal Psychology Jung, Depth Psychology

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