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14. Read also the lines and identify who or what the addressee is? 15.

What are the qualities of the persona can you infer from these lines of the poem The Road Not Taken. 16. Lat the students to do the Practice and Performance. Pg. 5-7 17. Introduce and discuss the interpreting symbols use in literary text. 18. Let the students to do the Performance.pg. 31 19. Introduce and discuss the lesson on writing a paraphrase. 20. Read the lines from the poem The Road Not Taken to paraphrase the lines. 21. Let the students to do Practice.PG.32 22. Lat the students to go over with their seatmate, the lyric of the song To Celia by Ben Jonson and interact with other students in cooperative learning groups to work on their own analysis of the poem. ACTIVITES / EXERCISES Activity 1 Ask: What are some examples of "roads traveled" by high school students? These might include: decisions about friends, styles, etc. dilemmas about members of the opposite sex choices in interests, activities, and ideas decisions about school subjects exposure to peer pressure

The students will write it in a one whole sheet of paper. Activity 2

Have groups of four students brainstorm a list of common dilemmas they face that involve choosing one or more "roads. Share the lists as a class. Ask each group to select one dilemma. Explain that they will write a skit about this problem that shows what might happen in the future as the result of decisions made now. Skits should include:

a realistic portrayal of a high school situation

a logical outcome based on a decision regarding the "road taken" When the skits are ready, have each group act theirs out for the class.

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