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Nokia bends reality with Kinetic bendy pone We know that are working on flexible displays already at the

moment, but they are not quite. Well, one good thing about concepts is the fact that the rules of reality and physics can be bent without having to worry about cost. Some concepts make it to reality from time though, and with Nokia, they have managed to come up with the Kinetic bendy phone which allows you to twist it, squeeze it, and flex it. Could it really be the shape of things to come? It seems that those who tried it found it rather difficult to put down, and I would not think otherwise. Some say that this is one of the most tactile gadget that they have ever put their hands on, and I am quite sure that should the Kinetic handset make it big in real life, most folks will be walking around white flexing and curving their phones- instead of loving letting their fingers dance all over the screen like how were used to. You twist phone to scroll through your files, white will control the speed. It seems that the more you twist, the faster you scroll. Should you, in your enthusiasm, go too far, then all you need to do is twist back slowly until the file or contact you want is highlighted. Want to answer a call? Simple just hold it to your ear and squeeze to answer. It could the market in as early as three years though. State your opinion orally about such device, use any of the following phrases: Write down a positive opinion about the Nokia telephone. Use the following vocabulary: technically, really, very, extremely, absolutely. If you ask me To my mind I find it very interesting I would say that It seems to me that From my point of view

En mi opinin, esta muy interesante la idea de los telfonos flexibles. Acerca de las personas que dicen que es una de los mejores gadget que hay en sus manos. Esto me parece que es uno de los proyectos ms difciles de Nokia, pero unos de los ms revolucionarios en el mundo de la tecnologa. Consideremos que este celular se puede girar,

aprieta, y flexionar

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