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TUTORIAL #1 - To be held Friday, January 19/07 in Room 5. 1. Solve the ordinary differential equation: d y (t ) + 5 y (t ) = 50 dt with initial condition y (0) = 0. 2. Solve the ordinary differential equation: (1.1)

d T (t ) + T (t ) = Ti (t ) dt


where = 20, T(0) = 50 and Ti(t) increases in step fashion from 50 to 55 at time t = 0: 50, t < 0 Ti (t ) = 55, t 0 3. Consider the problem of regulating a flow of water using an automatic control valve: SP



Pum p D is c h a r g e

T o S to ra g e Tank

The control valve is air-to-open, with linear installed characteristics. The flow transmitter (FT) is calibrated for the range 0 800 m3/hr. At steady-state, the inlet and outlet flowrates are 400 m3/hr and the valve is 50% open. Assume that the following differential equation accurately describes the valve dynamics:

d PV (t ) + PV (t ) = CO (t ) dt


where the valve time constant = 5 seconds, PV(t) is the measured flowrate in percent of scale and CO(t) denotes the percentage controller output. (a) Derive the open loop response (with the FC on manual) to a 5% step increase in CO(t) at time t = 0. How long will it take for the change in the measured flowrate to equal 63.2% of its ultimate value? (b) Should the action of the flow controller be direct (i.e. increase-increase) or reverse (increase-decrease)? (c) Derive the closed loop response (with the FC on automatic) to a step increase in flow setpoint from 50 to 56.25% (or 400 to 450 m3/hr) at t = 0. The flow control algorithm is to be specified as proportional-only, i.e.: CO(t ) = Bias + K c ( SP(t ) PV (t )) (3.2)

Discuss the impact of increasing the proportional gain K c on the speed of response and upon the controller offset: Offset lim ( SP (t ) PV (t ))


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