Tariq Ramadan and Ayaan Hirsi Ali On Honor Killing

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Tariq Ramadan and Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Honor Killing http://youtu.

how fitting to have read this week the memoir on stieg larsson by his friend, kurdo baski, publisher of svartvit. the crusades of antiracism and antisexism in sweden were inextricably linked. i am so uninspired that @wikileaks links to marcello ferrada de noli's article which alleges that talking about honor killing in sweden is "facist-feminist" and racist this will only make sense to the dead, killed by man som hatar kvinnor. i take it marcello doesnt honor-kill himself. so its not like he's trying to cover his own tracks. but he thinks if you #prataomdet you are a fascist-feminist. sounds kind of mafia. gaggy. i pity marcello women should just, shut up and get killed? shut up and get raped? otherwise if they talk about it, there will be a guy in a bowtie calling them a facist-feminist or a state feminist. funny way of flirting, or a funny fantasy world, in which religious freedom can take away a life, PTSD is a made up disease because marcello says so, and nobody knows if he was ever raped or almost killed by his rapist/honor-killer. i would rather be dead. defending honor killing as a religious freedom further extends his misogyny . . . blaming discussion of honor killing on "fascist-feminist voracity" is so painful.

are Tariq Ramadan and Ayaan Hirsi Ali a part of the "fascist-feminist voracity"? ask marcello what he means and ask @wikileaks why they link to this . . . my theories 0. education

1. screws loose 2. misogyny 3. f------ with people. kind of just to be mean or sex pistols punk and all. or create more drama: maximum drama=good for wikileaks. linking to people who support repressing honor killings and name-calling women's safety advocates pains me as we wait on the assange extradition scene. i just watched naomi wolf on democracy now on assange. feministe has a lot to say about it. i would want a cleaner defense for anyone. assange, included. no submission to wikileaks groupthink, sock puppets, or official court jesters. expo. where art thou? FI maintain hardline kopimi eng, mary rose lenore 22 march 2012 @braingarbage

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