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Triumphant Institute of Management Education P Ltd

Definition & Objective

Deliberate & Organized Use Of Violence Against The State Create Fear & Insecurity Strike at the Heart of the State by targeting Civilians

Principal Types
State Sponsored
Against Another State

State Terrorism
Against Ones Own Citizens

Individual Organisations
Political Religious Economic & Demographic

Random Killing & Bombing Suicide Bombing Hijacking Planned Hostage-Taking Assassination

27K sq. km. / 3.3 mn pop Highly sectarian, eco backward 7 tribal agencies, controlled by political officer 7 Frontier Regions, controlled by Dy Comm Off


The Afghan Taliban

Army of the Righteous Direct creation of ISI 1993 Relationship with Markaz-ud-Dawawal-Irshad / Jamaat-ud-Dawa Only target India / liberate Kashmir LeJ

Central Asia
Chechen Rebels Uighurs in Xinjiang (Chn) Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan East Turkestan Islamic Movement Hizb ut-Tahrir (Tajikistan)

Peace(!?) Agreements
Feb 2009 - Malakand Accord Sep 06 - North Waziristan truce b/n Pak Gov & Taliban Feb 05 - Sararogha peace agreement with the Pakistani Army and the Taliban and (Baitullah) Mehsud tribes April 04 - Shakai peace agreement b/n S. Waziristan militants & Pak army

Operation Moshtarak
Biggest joint operation U.S. & ISAF Marjah in Helmand main target 15k v 1-2k Govt in a Box model Prelude to Kandahar offensive

War on Terror
Post 9/11, U.S.led global campaign Several Theatres across Asia, Africa, & Europe Rendition Black Sites Guantanamo Bay

War on Terror
Religious angle? Islam v Christianity v Judaism Backlash against Allied Govts from Civilian Population Resentment against U.S. hegemony Get out of Afghanistan by Summer 11

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