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ENVIRONMENTALISTS Your role is to argue against the expansion of the tourist industry.

The key arguments are: The expansion of the tourist industry would lead to further damage of the coral reefs. Coral can be damaged by: trampling, pollution from oil spill from boats and from the construction industry. The ecology of the lagoons would be threatened by the over-development of tourism. If the coral reefs are lowered, then the beaches would be threatened by excessive wave action. Disappearance of natural places on the coast as it gets more and more built up. Deterioration of water quality in lagoons because of waste.

Information on Coral Reefs around Alchemia Coral reefs play an important role as fish habitat, in shoreline protection and tourism. Corals and fish populations are monitored to assess regeneration at these sites. Fringing reefs protect the shoreline and the coral habitats that develop within the lagoon. 35 Genera and 90 species of hard corals have been recorded in the waters near Alchemia. Corals are fragile and can be easily impacted and broken. Tourism has its direct and associated impacts with snorkel and dive boats dropping anchors and breaking the coral, collection of shells and coral for sale to visitors have depleted the number of shells. People holding, walking and sitting on coral also contribute to the demise of the lagoon habitats that visitors have come to see.

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