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WORKSHEET 5 Classroom language Sorry, I dont understand. Repeat, please. Whats English for? Listening 1.

Match the word phrases. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a bus to spend to pay to rent to go out to eat out an amount a. b. c. d. e. f. g. money on smth an apartment in a restaurant to a party fare of money rent Explain, please. Repeat the task, please.

2. Key language to work out a killer stuff to complain To make a decision by calculation Impressive or difficult thing e.g. She makes a killer coffee! This test is a real killer! Different things that you speak about. E.g. Apples, oranges, this kind of stuff. If you complain about smth, you say that you are not satisfied with it. e.g. The students complained to teacher that the test was too difficult. to cost a lot of money. Its the biggest amount of smth that is possible. to spend no more than the money you have. a person's father or mother.

to cost a fortune limit to make ends meet parent

3. Participating in discussions Its terrible! Guess what? Great! Anyway Theres (Thats) an idea! Have no idea Look

4. Listen and fill in the gaps.

5. HT Make sentences with underlined words and phrases phrases.

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