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TREATMENT OF NAILS and calluses PLANTAR The original plantar horny nails, hyperkeratosis, causing great inconvenience to people

who have them. In some cases they are very painful, even to hinder or prevent ambulation. These malformations can become the cause of other musculoskeletal malformations. Treatments that are used are different in some cases surgery is used, with consequent inconvenience for the patient. There is a simple and safe treatment that can make these nails and calluses disappear without surgery. Treatment consists in the realization of warm milk baths. METHOD:-Heat a 1 or 1 liters of cow milk (whole) to a temperature that allow immersion of the affected limb without burning.-hot milk is deposited in a basin or bowl similar.-feet are introduced in the hot milk feet are kept in warm milk for 20 or 30 minutes, until milk is enfre.-chelates has been to renew the milk at each session. - the operation is performed once or twice daily for one weeks. A week is long enough to disappear completely nails, without any other intervention. In some cases the nails may disappear completely on the second day of treatment. NOTE: It is very important that the operation is performed with the milk hot enough. The fact of performing the operation with the milk at high temperature facilitates the dilation of the pores and the absorption of milk components by the skin. Under normal conditions the nails and calluses disappear and the person able to walk normally. Villalonga Angel Morales
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