Cover Letter

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Name :Vaibhav V. Ujankar Mobile No: +918976700470 Email id : 11888vaibhav@gmail.

com Xyz Company name Mr Xyz, Many thanks for affording an opportunity of employment under your stewardship in your firm. Please find attached my CV for your reference as I seek employment for the post of ..l as advertised on. All relevant qualifications and merits necessary to succeed and excel in the role have been clearly understood by me and I feel confident that given the opportunity that your firm affords, I would do complete justice to the position. During the course of management study I did find enriching experience in marketing and have been exposed to a Diaspora of streams and specialties like Product Development, Branding, Marketing Finance, Marketing Strategy, Strategic Management to name a few. There is a divine symbiosis in that the job profile matches not only my academia in which I have done well but also it happens to be my career progression path for the future I feel deeply motivated to work under your leadership. I would be obliged if I can spend time with you in translating my thoughts and words into assurances of doing well in the role and would work around your busy schedule at your choice of location and take this forward. Kindly let me know your impressions of my CV and also my passion as mentioned in this cover letter to help navigate my career in the field of my choice. Having said that I am also cognizant of the fact that there would be other capable candidates applying for the same position and my parting words would be let the best candidate succeed in getting the role and better his/her career in particular and up the talent pool maturity of your firm at large. Look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Vaibhav V. Ujankar Enc: Resume

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