Behavior Report

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Parent Contact! Behavior Report Reflection

Your child completed this behavior reflection today, because they continued to make poor choices.
Please take the time to read, sign and return. Also, please be sure to talk with your child about their
poor choices and what they can do to make better ones. Thank you

My clip was on


I am on ______________________ because:_____

Great Job


Good Choices


Ready to Learn



I will fix this problem by: ____________________

Think About It


Parent Contact!


Student Signature:______________________ Parent Signature:_____________________

(please write any comments on the back and return tomorrow)



Parent Contact! Behavior Report Reflection

Your child completed this behavior reflection today, because they continued to make poor choices.
Please take the time to read, sign and return. Also, please be sure to talk with your child about their
poor choices and what they can do to make better ones. Thank you

My clip was on


I am on ______________________ because:_____

Great Job


Good Choices


Ready to Learn



I will fix this problem by: ____________________

Think About It


Parent Contact!


Student Signature:______________________ Parent Signature:_____________________

(please write any comments on the back and return tomorrow)

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