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SVKMS NMIMS Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering MBA - (Tech) Sub: Business Communication III

Trimester - XV Code :

Periods per week

Lecture Practical Tutorial Theory Examination Term Work

Evaluation system

2 (1.5 hours each) ----Hours 2 ---

Marks 50 50

Objectives: To prepare for advance level of business communication. To develop the ability to successfully communicate with the public, clients, funding and other financial institutions, as well as ones own team members in a project. Prerequisite: Business Communication-I & II. Detailed Syllabus Unit 1 Topics Foundations in Financial Writing (Annual Reports/Tenders/ Notices) Style of writing the financial reports and announcements. 2 Project Communications Management Creation of templates for successfully controlling a project. 3 Business Plan / Proposal Writing Distinguishing factors of a business plan and a proposal and the style of writing each one of them. 4 Communication Audit (External) Techniques of auditing an organizations regular communication with the external world. 5 Public Relations / Customer Relations Details of carrying out public relation activities and learning ways and means of maintaining customer relations. 6 6 6 6 Duration (Hr) 6

TOTAL HRS. Prescribed Text :


Munter Mary, Guide to Managerial Communication Effective Business Writing and Speaking, 8th edition, 2008, Prentice Hall.

Reference Books :

Argenti Paul A.,Corporate Communication, 3rd edition, 2009, Tata McGraw Hill Munter, Mary and Russell, Lynn, Guide to Presentations, 3rd edition, 2010, Prentice Hall Locker, Kitty O. and Irwin, Business and Administrative communication, 9th edition, 2009, McGraw Hill

Journals: Caldini, Harnessing the Science of Persuasion,Harvard Business Review, October 2001 Williams and Miller, Change the way You Persuade, Harvard Business Review, May 2002 Argenti, Crisis Communication: Lessons from 9/11, Harvard Business Review, December 2002.

Internet References :, Department of Company Affairs, GOI ( Term Work : Case Studies / Assignments / Class Test/Presentation/Project/Role play

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