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Anisha Thornton Professor Brett ENG 102 C 03.12.12.

Without being bias, religion needs a set of laws, a deity (deities or ideals) to worship, and a notion of a hereafter. When two individuals look at this topic of religion, one pessimistic, one optimistic, we would have one gloomy perception and one cheery perception. Optimism is often associated with the notion that the world was created by a benevolent deity; pessimism is often associated with the notion that there is no meaningful explanation for the worlds existence, says an article on the New World Encyclopedia (screen one). The optimist believes in salvation in both this life and the next, whereas the pessimist believes in utter destruction for the human being. If both people were of the same religion, the optimist would believe that the actions of this world are in accordance to the deity they believe in. The deity (or deities) would have created the hardships or happiness for the greater good of humanity. The pessimist sees no reason in their deitys way and deems life unimportant and considers humanity in itself evil.

When it comes to life in general, studies show that pessimistic individuals were observed to have a more realistic handle on life's events, according to a article (screen one). Pessimists typically have a realistic outlook on life. They may not see a happy ending, but they dont delude themselves into believing in a fairytale life. Optimist see unrealism and set goals for things are most unlikely to happen. Doing such a thing may set

them up for failure; however, being optimist, the failure will not make them depressed. This is different for the pessimist; if they fail, they accept the failure because they foresaw it happening.

Pessimist and optimist think along these lines: It is permanent and It is temporary. When it comes to working, a manager tells the pessimist that he or she is not working up to par (following an article called Optimism vs Pessimism...); the pessimist thinks they are utterly doomed in the area (screen seven). They believe they are at their wits end in the job and may as well quit due to this belief. The optimist, being told the same thing, sees this as an introspection moment. They understand that they may not be doing well, but will attempt to point out the issue and resolve it. Being optimist, this individual will look to a brighter future where they are pleasing their boss.

Works Cited "Optimism and Pessimism." New World Encyclopedia. Web. 29 Feb. 2012.

<>. "Optimism vs Pessimism ..." Optimism vs Pessimism. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. <>. "Optimism vs Pessimism." - Your Outlook On Life Impacts On Your Memory Recall. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. <>.

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