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Austin Crawford March 26, 2012 1st Curle

Pages 1-20
1) Deliverance Definition: an act or instance of delivering Synonym: Ex: 2) Pillage Definition: to strip ruthlessly of money or goods by open violence, as in war; plunder Synonym: Ex: 3) Haggard Definition: having a gaunt, wasted, or exhausted appearance, as from prolonged suffering, exertion, or anxiety; worn Synonym: Ex: 4) Truncheons Definition: the club carried by a police officer Synonym: Ex: 5) Firmament Definition: the vault of heaven; sky Synonym: Ex: 6) Indiscriminately Definition: not discriminating; lacking in care, judgment, selectivity, etc Synonym:

Austin Crawford March 26, 2012 1st Curle Ex: 7) Mysticism Definition: the beliefs, ideas, or mode of thought of mystics Synonym: Ex: 8) Edict Definition: a decree issued by a sovereign or other authority Synonym: Ex: 9) Candelabra Definition: an ornamental branched holder for more than one candle Synonym: Ex: 10) Phylacteries Definition: either of two small, black, leather cubes containing a piece of parchment inscribed with verses 49 of Deut. 6, 1321 of Deut. 11, and 116 of Ex. 13: one is attached with straps to the left arm and the other to the forehead during weekday morning prayers Synonym: Ex:

Pages 21-43
11) Abominable Definition: repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome Synonym: Ex:

Austin Crawford March 26, 2012 1st Curle 12) Antechamber Definition: a chamber or room that serves as a waiting room and entrance to a larger room or an apartment Synonym: Ex: 13) Hermetically Definition: to be airtight Synonym: Ex: 14) Lorry Definition: any of various conveyances running on rails, as for transporting material in a mine or factory Synonym: Ex: 15) Harangued Definition: a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack Synonym: Ex: 16) Blandishments Definition: something, as an action or speech, that tends to flatter, coax, entice, etc Synonym: Ex: 17) Abyss Definition: a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; anything profound, unfathomable, or infinite Synonym:

Austin Crawford March 26, 2012 1st Curle Ex: 18) Convalescent Definition: the gradual recovery of health and strength after illness Synonym: Ex: 19) Unremittingly Definition: not slackening or abating; incessant Synonym: Ex: 20) Wizened Definition: withered; shriveled. wrinkled Synonym: Ex:

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