MBA Research Presentation Schedule Spring 2012

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2012 Cohort H MBA Integrated Research Project Presentations Reinhart Center 127

Name Title

April 10
6:00 Steve Fischer



Maggie Braun

7:00 7:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30

Paula Zastrow Kayla Mergen Mark Meyer Sarah Soderlund Darrel Holmes Lloyd Haas Chuck Berendes Joan GreendeerLee Dan Stevens Jim Olson Josh Berg Josh Court Larry Price Teresa Betsinger Jeffrey Luna

The Effects of Generational Cohort on Work Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) among Health Care Employees Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Camp Staff: The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Job Diagnostic Dimensions Employee Engagement: Differences in Psychological Conditions at a Technical College Generation Cohort Preferences in Leadership Styles

April 17th
Ethics and Nationality: Understanding and Interpretation of Codes of Ethics Advanced Product Quality Planning Effectiveness Patient Satisfaction: The Effect of Health Care Providers Characteristics and Level of Service The Effect of Pro Bono Legal Work on Client Behavior: Does Paying a Fee Make a Better Client? Impact of Personal Finance Literacy on College Students Perceived Financial Stress Levels

April 24
6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 Differences in Market Performance Based on Corporate Debt Leveraging Exploring the Personality Characteristics of Successful New Small Business Entrepreneurs in Southwestern Wisconsin Differences in Customer Experience Factors at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Dining Services Identified Management Skills for Social Workers A Qualitative Study of the Utilization of Codes of Ethics by Large Minnesota Corporations Effectiveness of Corporate Trainings in Healthcare Management in Southwestern Wisconsin The Evolution of Communication

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