3 23 Newsletter

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A Special Note From Our Principal: "Thank you for helping make our traffic change go smoothly.

Our school resource officers have been appreciative of everyone whorking with us in following these few basic guidelines: * The only exit from our campus is the south side drive. * Do not park in the bus or daycare lanes at any time. * Always, use the south enterance for afternoon car pick up. The north enterance should be used for morning drop off only. * Teachers need every parking spot to park on the east side of the building. Please use the parent parking lot. * Give yourself a few extra minutes to allow for any slow downs, allowing for more student safety. Traffic signs will be up very soon to help us as the construction begins. We are also working on extra parking to be made available on the east side of the existing parking lot to help relieve afternoon congestion. Finally, your help in spreading the news to anyone picking up your child will be appreciated."

Golmen Gazette
March 23, 2012 PICTURES NEEDED ASAP!!!
Fourth Grade Farewell Committee is going to meet soon. The dates are to be determined. In the meanwhile, Kristy Hirsch is trying to gather pictures for the slide show. I need a KINDERGARTEN picture AND a 4th GRADE picture at your earliest convenience. You may send in other pictures of special events here at Mathews to enhance the memories of the slide show. PLEASE send only one picture of K and 4. I dont need 1st, 2nd and 3rd. You can email them to me at brigettegolmen@nixaschools.net or send in the hard copy. The copies will be scanned in and returned.

Volume 3, Issue 28

The March character trait is

Brave enough to make the right choices. Weekly Quizzes As we prepare for MAP, we will be taking assessments throughout the week

Mark Your Calendar

Mar 27 -- Boot Camp, 9 am Mar 27 -- PTA Skate Night, 6-8 pm, Springfield Skateland Mar 29 -- Day in K

Grade Cards: 3rd quarter grade cards are coming home today. Please return the yellow envelope by Friday, March 30. Field Trip: Our 4th grade field trip is April 16th. Notes regarding the trip were sent home yesterday. PLEASE READ carefully and return permission slip and fees as soon as possible. MAP letters: Mrs. Brock has sent home a letter regarding MAP testing and breakfast. Please read that note carefully. MAP testing is very important to our district and our students. They DO take great pride in preparing and doing well on the test. It is the time to show what they know! Upcoming Science Project: Some of the fourth grade teachers are looking into a Science Fair night. More information will come after MAP testing. This is a project that students will work on both at school and at home. THIS IS NOT A HOMEWORK PROJECT. At this time, students should be looking into a topic of interest and reading about that topic if possible. The project will begin in full action AFTER MAP Testing. Summer School: Summer school papers for Inman are coming home today!!!

April 2-MAP Kick off 2:45

April 6K & 4th grade pics due

MAP Testing (grades 3-4) April 3-4-5 April 10-11-12

I am so proud of the students hard work this week! Your children are AMAZING!!!!!

Next Week

Reading: Fiction Literature Circles: Various Reading Strategies Writing: Creative writing/composing sentences Working with Words: Review Math: MAP review

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