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All Eyes On Edward

SCENE ONE The Russell Home (HELEN and HERBERT RUSSELL are sitting in their living room; HELEN is sewing and HERBERT is reading a newspaper. The door opens and their son, ARTHUR RUSSELL runs into the home looking excited.) ARTHUR RUSSELL Mother! Father! Ive got some champion news! HELEN RUSSELL Arthur Russell, would you please not try to dash about so much, youre stirring up dust. ARTHUR Yes, Mother. Well, at the scouts meeting todayHERBERT RUSSELL Oh thats right, you had your Boys Scouts meeting today. How was that? ARTHUR It was great, Father; let me tell you about it. HELEN Herbert, dear, you know that he has his scouts meeting at the same time on this day. And he has activities throughout the week. ARTHUR Yes, and today weHERBERT I hadnt completely forgotten, Helen; I just thought it was tomorrow. ARTHUR And anyhow, at todays meetingHELEN No, dear you must be thinking of the afternoon tea Im having with some of the ladies tomorrow.

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

2 ARTHUR Its so very exciting becauseHERBERT Oh is that tomorrow? I had plum forgotten. I must make arrangements to have lunch out then. ARTHUR (talking to himself) Ill never get a word in edgewise HELEN Herbert, my afternoon teas are not something you must run away from. At least greet the ladies before you leave. (The door opens and LILLIAN RUSSELL runs into the home also looking excited.) LILLIAN RUSSELL Mother, Father, you never guess whats going to happen! HELEN Lillian Russell, please, there is no need for a young lady to shout. LILLIAN Yes, Mother. But, you cant imagineHERBERT Hello, Lillian. Now, Helen, I must protest, I do not run from your teas, I merely stay out of the way. I have news! LILLIAN

(HELEN and HERBERT appear to keep talking in the background, while ARTHUR and LILLIAN start to argue.) ARTHUR Oh no you dont! Im telling my news first because Ive been waiting longer. LILLIAN But mine is important! And so is mine! ARTHUR

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

3 LILLIAN Well, why dont we both tell it at the same time? ARTHUR Thats a good idea. On the count of three, then? ARTHUR and LILLIAN One, two, three! Prince Edward is coming! (Helen and Herbert stop talking and look over at once.) HERBERT The prince is coming to where? To Duncan! ARTHUR Thats what Ive been trying to tell you.

HELEN My goodness this is exciting! When is he coming? LILLIAN In a weeks time; on the twenty-sixth of September. Theres going to be a huge greeting party downtown when he comes. The Girl Guides will be up in the front! ARTHUR And so will the Boys Scouts! And the veterans from the Great War (Suddenly everyone looks upset.) HERBERT All the lucky ones who made it home (HERBERT abruptly gets up and leaves.) ARTHUR Im sorry, I shouldnt have said that (HELEN gets up, goes over to a table, and picks up a picture frame, which she looks at sadly.) HELEN Your poor, poor brother. Raymond fought bravely for king and country. He would have liked to have met the Crown Prince.

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

4 (HELEN exits.) LILLIAN Its alright, Arthur. Talking about Raymond is so difficult for them, but Im sure he would want us to enjoy this visit. ARTHUR I guess so (LILLIAN and ARTHUR exit slowly.)

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

5 SCENE TWO Train station (Enter MRS. GRAVES and MRS. ALLEN. They walk around and inspect the area.) MRS. GRAVES Well, Missis Allen, the station agent has done a fine job sweeping this area. MRS. ALLEN I agree, Missis Graves. We can start the decorations now. (calls out) Children! This way! (Enter ARTHUR and two other Boy Scouts, and LILLIAN and two other Girl Guides, all of them carrying floral decorations, flags and banners to be hung up around the station. Various others who will later be in the crowds come and assist.) MRS. GRAVES Make sure that banner is nice and taut! We dont want it coming loose during a gust of wind. MRS. ALLEN Scouts, you put those flags everywhere! MRS. GRAVES Guides, lets get these flowers in order; we must not let a petal be damaged! MRS. ALLEN Quite right! The Womens Institute has worked long and hard to put these arrangements together. MRS. GRAVES Everything must be perfect for the Prince of Wales! MRS. ALLEN Indeed! Its not everyday that royalty graces us. (Enter LLOYD FRANCIS with another person, carrying the decorative arch.) MRS. GRAVES Goodness gracious, the arch! Do be careful with it.

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

6 MRS. ALLEN Set it down most gently. (The arch is positioned.) LLOYD FRANCIS Would you like me to help with anything else? MRS. GRAVES No, no, well take things from here. Good day. (LLOYD sits off to the side away from the hustle and bustle. ARTHUR notices him and goes over to talk.) ARTHUR Hi. Arent you a soldier? LLOYD I am. I saw action in France. ARTHUR My brother fought in France, but he was killed in action. LLOYD Im sorry to hear that. I lost a lot of friends over there too. ARTHUR Are you going to come and see the Prince? LLOYD Im not sure (gestures at the numerous flags) It seems like its going to be a really British event. Youre probably too young to understand, but the connection between the people from Europe and the Cowichan tribe hasnt been easy. I hoped that things might change after the war; I served just like other men. ARTHUR I guess it takes time for people to change. But I know there are going to be so many different peoples there just come, youll see! LLOYD Okay, Ill think about it. My name is Lloyd, by the way.

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

7 (They shake hands.) ARTHUR Im Arthur. I better get back to work before Missis Graves and Missis Allen catch me. (LLOYD exits, then ARTHUR, LILLIAN, MRS. GRAVES, and MRS. ALLEN also exit. All the extra people remain and start getting into positions for the train to come.)

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

8 SCENE THREE Fully decorated train station (Enter the rest of the crowd, which includes: First Nations, Sikhs, Japanese, war veterans, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, and any extra people. Finally, enter HELEN, HERBERT, LILLIAN, ARTHUR, MRS. GRAVES, MRS. ALLEN, LLOYD, THOMAS PITT to take their places in the crowd.) THOMAS PITT All right everybody, in your places! Get ready! The train is coming! (A train whistles and the train comes to the station. PRINCE EDWARD and a DIPLOMAT disembark and wave to everyone. Mayor THOMAS PITT rushes up to meet them.) THOMAS PITT Your Royal Highness, on behalf of everyone here today, let me welcome you to Duncan. Im the mayor, Thomas Pitt. Hello to you all! PRINCE EDWARD Im very pleased to be here today.

PITT Weve prepared a small exhibition in our Agricultural Hall for you, and we have quite a number of our young men who served in the Great War ready for your inspection. DIPLOMAT (speaks to EDWARD) Your Royal Highness, weve only allotted about ten minutes for this town we really must press on to stick to our schedule. EDWARD Nonsense! Weve stopped to see this town, and see it I shall! Lead the way Mister Pitt! (A grand procession through the crowds begins, with much hand-shaking, hat-tipping, and waving. The people are ecstatic and cheer. During this time a PICKPOCKET steals EDWARDs pocket-watch; LLOYD sees him but is too far away to help and the PICKPOCKET quickly exits. EDWARD passes between a row of soldiers and Boy Scouts who all

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

9 have their hats raised on guns and sticks. At this point, EDWARD pauses briefly and checks his pockets.) EDWARD Drat! I seem to have lost my pocket-watch. PITT Is something wrong, Your Highness? EDWARD Nothing I will trouble you with, my good man. Lets continue. (EDWARD, PITT, and the DIPLOMAT continue through the procession and exit. ARTHUR and LILLIAN find each other in the crowd.) ARTHUR Lillian, Ive just learned something terrible! What is it? LIILIAN

ARTHUR Prince Edwards pocket-watch is missing! LILLIAN It could be around here somewhere. Lets try and find it! ARTHUR Well have to hurry or hell have to leave without it! (ARTHUR and LILLIAN start looking all over the place on the ground but there are so many people milling around.) ARTHUR (addressing a bystander) Maam, have you seen a pocket-watch? LILLIAN (also addressing a bystander) Sir, have you seen a pocket-watch? (ARTHUR and LILLIAN rejoin and regroup.)

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

10 LILLIAN Its no good! There are too many people around. It may have gotten trampled by now. ARTHUR What a shame! I wanted to help the prince (Lloyd makes his way over to them through the crowd. In the background the PICKPOCKET has entered and is skulking around.) LLOYD Are you looking for the Princes pocket-watch? ARTHUR We are! LLOYD I know what happened to it a pickpocket lifted it from him! I was too far away to catch him, but if we can find him againARTHUR Then we can find the pocket-watch! He cant have gotten far. What does he look like? LLOYD Hes not too tall, hes wearing a hat, has shifty eyes, and is wearing a strange jacket. (They scan the crowds.) LILLIAN Wait! I think I spot him. Is that the pickpocket over there? LLOYD Thats him! After him! (ARTHUR and LILLIAN chase the PICKPOCKET through the crowds until he nearly runs into LLOYD. The children comes up behind him and he realizes he is trapped.) ARTHUR Nice try, but we know you have Prince Edwards pocketwatch! This soldier saw you take it.

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

11 PICKPOCKET But I I Oh fine, you win. (The pickpocket hands over the watch to LLOYD and exits.) LILLIAN Oh look the Prince is returning! (EDWARD, THOMAS PITT, and the DIPLOMAT enter and start walking back through the crowds to the train. Before he gets on, LLOYD, ARTHUR, and LILLIAN approach. HELEN and HERBERT are close to the scene and are watching their children.) LILLIAN Your Royal Highness, we have something that belongs to you! ARTHUR Weve found your pocket-watch, Prince Edward. (LLOYD hands EDWARD the watch.) EDWARD This is marvelous - I feared I had lost it for good. Whom do I have the honor in thanking? ARTHUR (bows) Im Arthur, Im a Boy Scout. LILLIAN (curtsies) Im Lillian, Im a Girl Guide. We had an older brother, Private Raymond Russell who was killed in action. EDWARD (shakes both their hands) Thank you Arthur and Lillian; youve shown remarkable consideration for others. Your brother, Raymond, would be very proud of you both. (addresses LLOYD) And you, soldier?

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

12 LLOYD (salutes) Private Lloyd Francis. I saw action at the frontlines in France. EDWARD (shakes his hand) You are to be commended for you courageous actions, and your continuing service to this town. The Empire is in your debt, and I thank you heartily. (EDWARD and the DIPLOMAT board the train and leave to a chorus of cheers. ARTHUR, LILLIAN, and LLOYD all congratulate each other on a job well done.) THE END

All Eyes On Edward Alexandra Summers

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