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Assignment -1

Submission date- by 21-03-2012 KNF2053 1. A. By using Gauss Elimination Method, Find solution Mark 1


b. Find solution of Matrix 1 and 2 of a by using LU method

Mark 1


A= [L][U]


A= [L][U]

c. By III Condition method find the solution of the followings , Mark 1 1. 5x1 +4x2-6x3 = 10 x1 - 2x2 +6x3 = 15 2 2x1 +0.4x2- 2x3 = 10 4 x1 - 3x2 + 9x3 = 5 d. By using Gaussian Sheidel method find the solution of the followings , Mark 1 1. 5x1 +4x2-6x3 = 10 x1 - 2x2 +6x3 = 15 3x1 +4x2- 9x3 = 6 2. 2x1 + 8x2- 7x3 = 12 3x1 - 6x2 +3x3 = 13 4x1 +9x2- 5x3 = 16

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e. By using bisection method get the solution for the followings , guess, x0 = 0 and work until the error term, approximation is 5%. f(x) = x3 -3x2 +10x +3 f(x) = x3 -7x2 + 2x +20

f. By using Newton Raphson method get the solution for the followings , guess, x0 = 0 and work until the error term, approximation is 5%. f(x) = x3 -3x2 +4x +15 f(x) = x3 - 4x2 +62x +22 g. By using Modified Newton Raphson method get the solution for the followings , guess, x0 = 0 and work until the error term, approximation is 5%. f(x) = x3 -3x2 +4x +15 f(x) = x3 - 4x2 +62x +22

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