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Da Nang University of Economics Sunderland University Degree Program Assignment #1


I am Le Ngoc Tuong Vi (Vicky) from SUD10 Danang University of Economics. I am doing research about the Vietnameses opinion about the Kinh Do Corporation. Therefore, I need your assistance to complete this survey. Please help me by doing the questionnaire below (Tick inside your answer or fill in the blank)

1. What is your gender? Male Female 2. Which age groups do you belongs to? Under 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 Upper 50 3. Do you know the Kinh Dos products? Yes No 4. How do you know Kinh Dos products? Friends Newspaper or Magazines Television Other _______________ 5. Have you ever tried the Kinh Dos products before? Yes No 6. Where do you buy Kinh Dos products? Supermarket Store Retailer Other _______________ 7. Which are Kinh Dos products do you like most?

Cookies Snacks Candies Cake Bread

Chocolates Pie Puff Ice - cream Moon Cake

8. What do you think about Kinh Do regarding the following factors? Very poor Price Quality Design of products Taste Size 9. What do you think about Kinh Dos service? Very poor Marketing Customer service Sales staffs behavior Poor Neutral Good Very Good Poor Neutral Good Very Good

10. Could you offer some suggestion for Kinh Dos products to develop in Viet Nam?


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