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Basic Electrical Engineering

Lecture Notes-1


Importance of Electricity:
Electrical energy is the most convenient form for transporting thousands of kilometers without much loss. Therefore it became the popular form of energy for utilization to increase the production and progress. The mechanical energy cannot be transmitted with ease without any loss in transmission. When generation, transmission and distribution became popular in the world, the fate of the human beings on he surface of earth change. It let to opening of so many industries and production of the goods. Therefore the productivity increased. Whatever the progress we see around us during 200 years of human history is mainly due to electricity. The electricity has become so much important in the human life without it man cannot lead his life comfortably, few moments of interruption in Electric supply causes so much in convenience in his life. Electrical machines are continuously running day and night to keep the progress alive. The progress of the country nowadays is measured in terms of electrical energy generating capacity of that country.

T.S.L.V.Ayyarao ,EEE, GMRIT

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