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Prosperity Looms Presents: A Perfect World!

Introduction At Prosperity Looms weve worked long and hard to address the issues of the world at hand. We have watched while landscapes have changed and the world has already become a different place. Financial institutions are closing ranks on funding to the individuals, and government spending is curtailed due to ever increasing demands that are being placed upon nations, thus contributing to further global unrest. Epidemics, disease, hunger, famine and violence are just some of the escalating incidences which are competing for the attention of man. Proof that the global dollar does not provide solutions is becoming more evident every moment as these occurrences sweep through our local society in an ever increasing manner, placing more stress within the family home, straining family relationships and thus increasing as a direct result the ability to make inroads or any impact on these situations. Misdirected anger as a result, being levelled at affluent members of society, demanding that they step in and resolve these issues, further creates resentment across social infrastructure, once again destabilising the community and its ability to impact on its own local environment, whilst the world demands that their focus be on the big picture.

Further evidence... Organisations with noble intentions are being rendered incapable of delivering finite solutions, instead being confined to producing band-aid maintenance that is proving to be inadequate, hence contributing to the very issue in its most fundamental representation. This in return increases frustration and the ability to produce a complete solution. Thus disbelief is born and continues to fester under such circumstances, disabling productivity as a measure of being able to witness the point of departure. Banishing the subject at hand once again to an impossible task and so the cycle continues... It is time for the blame game to cease and desist and for a measure of co operation to ensue, thus enabling resentment layers between classes to be diminished. This alone withdraws contributing elements from the equation. At Prosperity Looms we are the global experts at being able to remove unnecessary and valueless components from such situations as is evident by our own Quest Vision. Creating a new world that is equal, just and fair to all nations, races and creeds, regardless of any personal circumstances, religious factors or financial situations. We have made sure that we have come up with an equitable system that is fool proof, inarguable and complete.

The time for Mission Statements is OVER! The time for DOING is upon us!

And so a new model is born...

It was evident that something outside the box was needed!

We decided it was time to stop the runaway train in its tracks. Call a cease fire and bring about A Perfect World.

A world in which every man, woman and child, regardless of personal or environmental circumstances, has the ability to be supported within an empowering context, whilst honoring tribal and community beliefs, no matter where they reside in the world. Be it in a developed or an undeveloped nation. This requirement had to be fulfilled in a way that ensured the success of the solution as can only be guaranteed in a manner that uplifts and builds self esteem. By not placing our own misguided expectations upon others there is no resulting disempowerment created. Thus we also ensure the ending of such situations, no longer can emotional grievances be harboured that produce detrimental ramifications, eradicating forever the saviour/victim response. Thereby, creating virtuous models in which personal empowerment is a given, as confidence in ability to make positive impact decisions grows due to an increase in perceived self worth. Supported in its entirety by an organization that has no desire to control or accept accolades just because they knew how to assist, however has a desired investment in seeing the formulated result for the betterment of all who dwell upon the earth, including those who would act as saviours. Fundamentally understanding that in creating such a model that the quality of their own world also improves, leaving an indelible footprint of peace and co operation among all people, answering the age old question of how to truly walk the earth in peace and freedom, thus allowing peace and freedom for all. This is what truly lies at the core of the entire issue in its most primordial form.

What Can We Do? At Prosperity Looms we have taken the issues at hand and came up with evolved solutions to spread awareness in the world at an unprecedented rate. With our own proprietary publishing system we can put results on the ground more expeditiously than has been seen before; such is the power of technology and the social marketing phenomenon.

We no longer ask people to hand out or hand over without placing a beneficial value within their hands... thus removing expectation that they are shouldering the responsibility under which they are faltering under the weight.

So whats A Perfect World? In a Perfect World there is no hunger or famine, there is no lack or poverty and there is no disease or hardship. Sound like a dream? Well what if it wasnt? What if a NEW way of creating this Perfect World already existed and all thats been happening is weve been looking in the wrong places? Why is charity such a complex, emotive issue for people? Is it because we throw millions of dollars each year at trying to fix problems like hunger, disease, poverty and war only to see these problems were trying to fix, continue and become more widespread? It gets frustrating. So whats the solution? Its simple really. With the power of Human Consciousness we can begin to create our perfect world, one that is free of hunger, famine, disease and war. By creating a positive, uplifting template of how our Perfect World should be, we are then forcing the world to change to suit the template. The more people on the same page, the faster the change. Its that simple. So whats the Template? Perfect World is a results driven machine within our publishing system which costs organizations NOTHING... Thats right... NOTHING We never ever charge your cause or organization anything. We deliver your message to the world in an inspiring way causing the capacity to divert attention towards true results and not despair which is the current situation.

So how does it work?

We create for you your own Living Book Project, using our own proprietary system, allowing us to keep your ongoing work in the spotlight, and keep putting your work, your charity or your cause into the world on a never ending basis. We collect submissions on your behalf and produce for you a Living Book, using 100% green technology. We never use paper. We work on your behalf to co-ordinate delivery of your Living Book model within our own system to increase awareness, spread new consciousness and place an item of true ongoing lifetime value into the hands of the people who choose to feed YOU. We spread through our own viral techniques your name, your logo, and your vision for A Perfect World on a never ending ongoing basis increasing your profile. We reduce for you your financial overheads allowing you to have more of an impact with your resources, while increasing revenue for you proving once and for all, that eradicating these issues was never a financial issue. We use your art work to produce electronic imaging to support your Living Book Project. We have the capacity to run out first edition work within 7 working days from agreement. We provide you with advertising opportunities and access to our own data bases already standing at numbers for 20 million recipients.

We provide you with linkage and access to support your organization at no charge to you. We link for you, within our own structures to support services for your cause or charity, providing you with an ever increasing stream of revenue, and allowing the sharing of private data bases that may have eluded you in the past. We create for you an eternal Living Legacy, that will stand the test of time, when buildings crumble, the words that we spoke remain, and continue to remain, creating new worlds for all of time. We return to you 80% of all your work receipted through our system on a monthly basis, without fail, with full reporting. We provide you with ongoing support through our technical services department... If you have questions you just may be surprised at our answers.

We look forward to assisting you as together we work to resolve the ongoing issues across all global nations.

Raven A Masterson Contact Us Prosperity Looms Melbourne Australia.

Perfect Worlds Prosperity Looms 2012

Perfect Worlds Prosperity Looms 2012

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