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According to the number resource organization, the world officially ran out of ipv addresses in feb 2011.Eventually it is expected that, programs will slow down and will have harder time communications and privacy could be compromised. Hence the Internet Protocol Version 6 was launched. It uses 128 bit address size and will allow for as many as 3.4*1038 possible addresses, enough to cover every inhabitant on earth several times over. It provides for multiple levels of hierarchy and flexibility in hierarchical addressing and routing with built-in-security, better support for prioritized delivery and can also be extended for new features. Moreover it also supports mobile IPv6. IT thus provides end to end security, quality of service and simplified system management. Hence it is the evolution in connection, at the age where devices are pervasive and people are mobile.
Discussion should be more technical than only discussion Make it normal font not italics No discussion should be on mobile Discuss on naming pattern and scheme with examples

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