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Planning Activity for Digital Video Project Maggie Arnold


Standard: Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations


The target audience for this presentation will be the teachers and staff of Herschel Jones Middle School. The ages of this audience range from 24 to 60. The staff is comprised of Caucasian and African American males and females from a variety of backgrounds. The educational level of my audience ranges from Associates Degrees to Doctorates. Majority of my audience will be college educated with most of the audience having achieved a Bachelors Degree or Masters Degree. It is expected that my audience will be familiar with the technology pieces that each classroom has including a computer, sound system, DVD player, and SMARTboard. Being familiar with each piece of equipment is the only specific entry skill the audience member will need in order to follow the directions shown in the video for setting up the technology equipment in their classroom. The video will include audio and visual directions to reach the main learning styles of my target audience. The video will intrigue the audience because setting up the technology equipment is frustrating and a struggle for many teachers at my school. The format of the video will capture the audiences attention. This video is greatly relevant to all audience members who are expected to correctly set up their classrooms with little to no help from technology specialists. The video will give audience members a sense of accomplishment and they will feel encouraged and motivated to complete the daunting task of setting up the technology equipment in their classrooms independently. Objective 1: When asked to identify each piece of classroom technology, a teacher at Herschel Jones Middle School will be able to correctly identify each piece of equipment and explain its function with 95% accuracy. Objective 2: Given the proper equipment and cords, a teacher at Herschel Jones Middle School will be able to correctly set up his or hers classroom computer with little to no assistance from the technology specialist. Objective 3: Given the proper equipment and cords, a teacher at Herschel Jones Middle School will be able to correctly set up his or hers classroom sound system with little to no assistance from the technology specialist.


Planning Activity for Digital Video Project Maggie Arnold

Objective 4: Given the proper equipment and cords, a teacher at Herschel Jones Middle School will be able to properly set up and run all pieces of classroom technology including a computer, sound system, and DVD player, with little to no assistance from a technology specialist.

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