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The effects of increasing the price of petrol on the Vietnamese economy

Vietnam only can domestically manufacture a third of the required volume of petrol. Therefore, a sharp increase in international petrol prices can cause a burden to the Vietnamese economy in two main ways:

Lower citizens standard of living.

Total expenditure on petrol rises relatively compared to income. People must cut down on certain goods/services in exchange for petrol. - Make pressure to push up inflation rate A rise in the price of petrol, an important input in many economic industries, involves a rise in the price of outputs as well as CPI index. That CPI index goes up affects buying power of people and increase inflation rate. In short, the Vietnamese economy will be on the verge of longterm instability if the price of petrol continuously escalates. (Increasing petrol price => increasing energy expenses => recession on some major industries such car manufacture, aviation + inflation => instability in society)

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