Kumaun University, Nainital Programme of B.Ed. Main Examination-2011 & Improvement Examination 2010

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Main Examination-2011 & Improvement Examination 2010

Day & Date Wednesday 14/03/2012 Friday 16/03/12 Monday 19/03/12 Wednesday 21/03/12 Saturday 24/03/12 Monday 26/03/12 Tuesday 27/03/12 Wednesday 28/03/12 Thursday 29/03/12 Friday 30/03/12 Saturday 31/03/12 Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III Paper-IV Paper V & VI (e) Paper V & VI (a) Paper V & VI (b) Paper V & VI (g) Paper V & VI (h) Paper V & VI (c) Paper V & VI (d) Paper V & VI (f) Paper VII (a) Paper VII (b) Paper VII (c) Paper VII (d) Paper VII (f) Paper/Subject Time (11:00 AM to 02:00 PM) Teacher in Emerging Indian Society Development of Learner and teaching-learning Process Development of Educational System in India Essentials of Educational Technology & Management Teaching of Mathematics Teaching of Hindi Teaching of English Teaching of Commerce Teaching of Biology Teaching of Sanskrit Teaching of Physical Science Teaching of Social Studies Population Education Environmental Education Educational Administration and Management Education and Mental Measurement Computer Education or or or or

Note : No guarantee can be given to the candidates regarding the order of the question papers.

Place : Nainital Dated : 17.2.2012

Sd/Registrar Kumaun University, Nainital

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