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(1)Do you use Electronic Media? (I) Yes (ii) No

(2) Which of the following Electronic media resources you regularly consult? (i) Television (ii) Radio (iii) Computers (iv) Cell-Phones

(3)For what purpose do you use the Electronic Media? (i) Research (ii) Entertainment (iii) Education (iv) Communication

(4)According to you what should be the main objective of Electronic Media? (i) Inform (ii) Entertain (iii) Educate (iv) Enlighten

(5) Do you think that Electronic Media plays a fair role in the society? (i) Yes (ii) No (iii)Moderately

(6)How often do you use Electronic Media? (i)Every day (ii) 2 to 3 times a week (iii)Once a month (iv) 2 to 3 times a month

(7)Rate the following (on the scale of 5) according to your usability: (i)Television (ii)Computers (iii)Radio (iv) Cell-phones

(8)How the use of the computers has influenced your academic or professional efficiency? (i)Use of conventional documents has decreased (iii) Expedited the research process (ii)Dependency on Internet has increased (iv)Improved professional competence

(9)How the use of the television has influenced your intellectual efficiency? (i)All types of information are available at just one go (ii)Reliability of information is high (iii) Plays as unbiased role in reporting a matter without giving unnecessary hype. (10)

PERSONAL DETAIL (1) Gender---------------- (2) Age----------- (3) Education--------------------(4)occupation-----------------

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