4ks Nda V 6.4 Aug - 04 (Shortest Yet - Gen)

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N O N -D I S C L O S U R E /C OM P E T E


V E R S I O N 6.4 NONDISCLOSURE/NONCOMPETE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between ______________, a Company, with its principal place of business at xxxxxx and __________________________ (SIGNING PARTY), of: _______________________________________________________(address) This agreement is effective as of March 24, 2012 and on the following terms and conditions: SIGNING PARTY agrees not to divulge any information designated confidential, other than on a need to know basis, to their employees, consultants or partners, who have signed a similar NDA with Signing Party or xxxxxx without prior approval from yyyyyy. SIGNING PARTY agrees not to contact directly or indirectly, the company (its officers, partners, etc.) introduced to them by yyyyyyy, without yyyyyyy approval or participation. This agreement is in force for 2 years. All disputes will be judged according to the laws of the State of Delaware.

SIGNING PARTY (signature): SIGNING PARTY (printed name): Title (if Applicable): Date:

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________



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