Acc Presentation

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Financial Accounting

Accounting Analysis

Used for reporting

Providing information for planning and control

Audience: Outside World (Govt. Bodies, society, etc.) (Govt Bodies society etc )

Audience: Internal (Managers and investors)

Measurement Management

Measuring past data and recording it Book keeping and Reporting Use of the data to make decisions that will benefit the organisation Reporting and Forecasting

Example : l We obtain goods from a supplier with payment to be made 60 days after the goods are received. When should the transaction be recorded? 1. Wh When we place the order l h d 2. When we take delivery of the goods 3 3. When we receive the invoice from the supplier 4. When we pay the supplier

3 Founding Ideas of Accounting

Capital Maintenance

Productive Capital

Profitable Operations

Income determination



Information should be reliable It should be easily understood Consistency

B t Between 2 periods i d Between similar organisations

For meaningful comparison

Need for certain generally accepted concepts and postulates to base the recording and reporting of economic data Evolved over the years

Accounting Standards Board under ICAI sets standards in India To facilitate comparison of companies between different countries IASB Comes out with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Most countries either follow the International Accounting Standards or, prepare their own standards as per the guideline of IAS

Stakeholders are the ones who have an interest in what happens as a result of the entitys activities h h l f h i i ii Stakeholders classified as Internal users viz. managers External users viz. creditors and equity investors, government, society

The investor group The lender group The employee group The analysts Customers Suppliers S li Government

Strategic Operational

Profit making organisations

Non profit making organisations

Sole proprietorships Partnerships Limited Companies

Book Keeping Financial Accounting Management Accounting Financial Management

Financial Accounting

Manageme nt Accounting

Financial Management

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