A Comer

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A Comer!

El tazn de cereal Va a la cocina para comer el desayuno De repente Est cansado/a Tiene mucho hambre (No) puede cocina bien La comida asquerosa Toma el almuerzo La comida vuela Tienen que limpiar En todas partes Es hora de comer Prepara la cena Poner la mesa Odia lavar los platos Quitar la mesa Lame el plato Tiene sed Est caliente Bowl of cereal He/she goes to the kitchen in oder to eat breakfast

Suddenly He/she is tired He/she is really hungry He/she can (not) cook well Gross food He/she eats lunch The food flies They have to clean Everywhere Its time to eat He/she prepares supper To clear the table He/she hates to wash the dishes To clear the table He/she licks the plate He/she is thirsty It is hot

Est frio Gracias por Cuesta La tienda (de)

It is cold Thank you for It costs The store (of)

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