9 Evidence Management Checklist, Version 2.0

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TOXICOLOGY TRAINING CHECKLIST SAMPLE LOG-IN, SAMPLE TRACKING, AND EVIDENCE RECEIPT/RELEASE Trainee: ____________________________________________ (Print) Instructor: __________________________________________


As each area of training is covered, that area will be checked off and the trainee and instructor will initial and date below. The areas to be covered are as follows: Initials Trainee ___Read Toxicology Procedure Manual regarding evidence management _____ Instructor _____ Date _____

Trainee will spend approximately 1 week with instructor covering all areas of analysis listed below. Instructor and trainee will initial and date the individual areas when trainee demonstrates proficiency. ___ Review of Chain of Custody and Proper Seal ___ Review of Authorized Personnel ___ Receipt of Medical Examiner cases ___ Location of paperwork/case folders ___ production of case folder ___ evidence receipt paperwork ___ evidence release paperwork ___ administrative billing summary ___ quality control paperwork ___ Receipt of Other cases (H, D, etc.) ___ Tox LIMS ___ Walk-in Refrigerator assignments ___ incoming samples ___ samples being worked ___ samples waiting for long-term storage ___ samples in freezer ___ Filling out the workload logbooks
Dallas County Institute of Forensic Sciences Toxicology Training Manual 1

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Evidence Handling Version 2.0

___ Filing paperwork in Case Folder




___ Supervised Sample Log-in ___ 10 medical examiner cases ___ 10 outside agency cases ___ Review of referral lab process ___ Review of special paperwork/requests ___ infectious disease testing ___ metabolic testing ___ histology




_____ _____

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______ ______

When all the areas have been checked off and initialed, the trainee, supervisor, and section chief will sign and date this form. This form will then be placed in the analysts training folder that is kept by the Quality Manager. Trainee: Supervisor: Section Chief: Date: Date: Date:

Dallas County Institute of Forensic Sciences Toxicology Training Manual

Evidence Handling Version 2.0

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