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Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

The Daily Monitoring Report

The Field Situation
- 53 Syrians have been martyred in the Were coming, Damascus Friday protests, mostly in Idlib. (9) - Aleppo Coordination Committees spokesman: Over 20 demonstrations across Aleppo; in districts of Salahuddin, Marja, Hanano residents, Sukkari, Ansari, Firdous, Bustan al Qasr, Mashad, Himdaniya, Furqan and New Aleppo. (1) - Anti-Assad protests in several areas such as Qosour and Arbaeen and two towns of Murk and Kafr Zeita of Hama. (1) - Anti-Assad protests in Qamishli, Rass el-Ain, Malikiya, Dirbassiya and Amouda in al Hassaka. (1) (9) - Thousands of anti-Assad Syrians take part in demonstrations in Homs and areas of Homs suburb, including al Hula.

Statistics 23th/Mar Martyrs: 53 Sources


Political Stances International

- EU endorses additional sanctions on Damascus including travel ban and asset freeze of a number of personalities such as Asmaa al Akhrass, Assads spouse, his mother, his sister and his spouses sister.
(10) (11) (12) (14) (15) (1) (2) (3) (4) (7) (8) (9)

Asharq Alawsat Newspaper Al Hayat Newspapers Alwatan (Kuwaiti) Newspaper Alquds Alarabi Newspaper



- French Foreign Ministry says FM Alain Juppe will participate in the Friends of Syria conference, slated for April 1st in Istanbul. (1) - Frances UNHRC Ambassador: The Damascus regime is completely isolated. This is a very significant political indicator. (5) - Netherlands FM Uri Rosenthal: This way we hit the heart of the Assad family and send a loud and clear
(7) (5) (4)

Almustaqbal (Lebanese) Newspaper


Albaath (Syrian) Newspaper Reuters AFP Aljazeera (Israeli) Haaretz (American) Washington Post

The Military Situation

- The Assad brigades siege all mosques in Damascus to prevent demonstrations, open fire to thwart Harasta protests where heavy gunfire was heard in Thaghra and Bustan areas and al Qadam district, leaving many hurt. (1) - Amid reports of hovercrafts flying over the city, clashes continue between the Free Syrian Army and the Assad brigades in Azzaz town, close to Turkish border, and the Aleppo neighborhood of Mangh since last Thursday and gunfire on the International Aleppo Airport road. (1) (2)

message to Assad that he must step down. on new sanctions.


, commenting

- NATO Chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen: The alliance does not intend to intervene in Syria crisis. This crisis is much different from what has happened in Libya.



- Lebanese al Mustaqbal quotes Turkish sources as saying: The government in Ankara has received a news feed that Syrian authorities have resumed extending support for PKK in reaction to pressures Turkey exercises on the Syrian regime. (5) - Kremlin sources affirm Moscow neither defends Syrian President Bashar Assad nor knows how long it could stay.



(American) Wall Street Journal


Political Mobility
- Syrian opponents urge UNESCO for immediate intervention to stop destroying archeological landmarks being targeted by the Assad regime in Syria.

(Israeli) Yediot Ahronot (British) Guardian (British) Telegraph


The Internal Situation

- Large exodus by Idlib residents under bombardment on several towns such as Sarmin and Kafr Noble. (1)(9)


- Ayatollah Khatami in Friday lesson rebukes Saudi Arabias stance of withdrawing its ambassador from Syria, and says: Iran backs serious reforms in Syria. Elections held in Syria recently in which 60% of the people participated was a useful and valuable stepAmerica, the Zionist entity and Arab regressive regimes support bombings and the killing of innocents in Syria. (1)

Activities of Civil Organizations

- UN Human Rights Council condemns what it termed the highly growing violations committed by Syrian forces and, as per a resolution presented by Denmark in the name of the EU, extends to September the mission of the investigation commission that documents the crimes against humanity, including torture and execution crimes. (1)(2)(4)(5)(7)(8)(9) - A HRW report uncovers serious violations by government forces in the area along Lebanese northern borders, noting that what the report has unveiled was just a small part of what the Syrian forces do during their nonstop clampdowns at the area. (1) - Members of UN investigation commission on Syria: Syria doctors receive orders to give patients anesthetic to prevent them from speaking to the AL observers visiting Syria hospitals. (9)

This Report was issued by Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies, and it contains pure news that do not reflect an opinion.

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