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Manual Testing Testing performed by human with out third party tool is nothing but manual testing.

Or Test directly performed by the tester via keyboard, mouse inputs to the application under test is nothing but manual testing. What is testing? Testing is a process of verifying the s/w to check whether it fulfills the requirements or not with the intent of finding errors. Or Testing is nothing but detection it is a process execution of application in controlled manner with the intent of finding errors. Or To ensure that our application is working according to the customer requirements or not. Requirements Ms word, excel sheet for writing test cases, bug reports, and build for testing thats all. What is the purpose of testing? To get the quality product. To detect the bugs. To gain confidence in the s/w. To reduce the rework. Customer will be able to get his work done To ensure that complete functionality is implemented.

What is quality? A quality product is bug free, delivers on time, with in budget, meets the customer requirements, and maintainable. Why quality? 1) To reduce the rework. 2) To satisfy the customer requirements What is maintainable? Whether the s/w is easy to maintain in production and if any problem is occurred it can be solved easily with less efforts and less cost. Qualities of testers 1. Test breaking attitude 2. Take customer point of view

3. To maintain good communication of with developers 4. Should have good knowledge in SDLC 5. Should be able to report technically When you start testing? After getting the SRS document then we will prepare test cases while developers are preparing coding we are preparing the test cases and after releasing the build from them then we will go for execution. When to Stop Testing? This is very difficult to determine. Many modern software applications are so complex, and run in such as interdependent environment So, common factors are in deciding when to stop testing. Deadlines (release deadlines, testing deadlines.) Test cases completed with certain percentage passed. Test budget is depleted Coverage of code/functionality/requirements reaches a specified point The rate at which Bugs can be found is too small Beta or Alpha Testing period ends The risk in the project is under acceptable limit.

Quality Control: A set of activities designed to evaluate a developed work product. Or All those necessary steps taken for fulfilling the requirements of quality. QUALITY CONTROL measures the quality of a product Quality Assurance All those planned and necessary ideas to provide adequate confidence that the product/service will satisfy the given requirements of quality. QUALITY ASSURANCE measures the quality of processes used to create a quality product What is difference b/w QA and QC? Q. A It is verification process It prevents the problems Prepare the test plan Verifies the reports Q.C it is validation process it identifies the problems implement the test plan generates the reports

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document, containing:

Introduction Purpose Scope Major Constraints and References Functional Requirements Context Diagram Functional Decomposition Diagram System Functions Database Requirements User Interface Requirements External Software Interface / Compatibility Requirements Reports Requirements Security Requirements Use Case Specifications Acceptance Criteria Project Manager: (roles, responsibilities) Preparation of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Formation Development Team, Test Team Management of requirements through out the project life cycle activities Preparation of Detailed Design Document Unit Test cases and Integration Test cases Guidance on programming and related coding conventions / standards

QA Manager: Preparation of System Test Plan Formation of Test Team Schedule Preparation Module Allocation Reviews on Test Process Client Interaction Verify Status Reports

Test Team (Testers & Test Lead): Testing, is the core competence of any Testing Organization. Understand the Application Under Test Prepare test strategy Assist with preparation of test plan. Design high-level conditions Develop test scripts

Understand the data involved Execute all assigned test cases Record defects in the defect tracking system Retest fixed defects Assist the test leader with his/her duties Provide feedback in defect triages Automate test scripts Understanding of SQL

What is verification &validation? V&V is process that helps to determine if the s/w requirements are complete, correct and if s/w of each development phase fulfills the requirements and conditions, imposed by previous phase etc. Verification is typically involves reviews, plans, meetings and to evaluate documents, plans, code requirements & specifications this can be done with the help of check lists issue lists, walk through &inspection meetings Validation typically involves actual testing and it will be started after completion of verification.
12. What is verification? validation? Verification and validation (v&v) is a process that helps to determine if the s/w requirments are complet, correct and if the s/w of each development phase fulfills the requirements and conditions, imposed by the previous phase etc. Verification typically involves reviews and meetings to evaluate documents, plans, code, requirements, and specifications. This can be done with checklists, issues lists, walkthroughs, and inspection meetings. Validation typically involves actual testing and takes place after verifications are completed.

Verification requires several types of reviews, include Requirement Review, Code Walkthroughs, Code Inspections, Design reviews, reviews of reviews....The system users (Developers) will involve in these reviews to find the defects before they build a system. Some of the examples we discussed below please check that one. For Effective Development process each verification example is linked with another (It also depends up on the type of project...) Validation is accomplished simply by executing a real-life functions (For Example if you check the bulb working or not , then you should switch on ...) .Here also validations examples are linked with each other, one's out put effective input of another validation( depends up on the project type) Verification answers the question, Are we building the right Product? Validation addresses, Are we building the Product Right?" {Depend up on the project type, verification examples are will vary... Below are some standard examples}

Verification Examples:Verification Example Requirement Review Design Reviews Code Walkthroughs Performed by Developers, Customer Developer Developers Deliverable Review statement of requirements ready to be translated in to system System Design and configuration document is ready for computer program Computer software ready for testing or ready for more detailed inspection Computer software is ready for testing by developers and Testers

Code Inspections Developers Validation Examples:Validation Examples Unit Testing Integrated Testing System Testing User Acceptance Testing Performed By Developers Developers Testers Users

Deliverable software unit is ready for testing with other unit or components. Portions of the system ready for testing with other portions of the system. A Tested computer system, based on what was specified Tested computer system based on the user needs ...

Summary: 1. Verification and Validation are very essentials in the software testing. 2. It starts when Project starts. 3. It minimizes the cost of testing. 4. Verification is non executable method. 5. Validation is physically executed method.
What is a 'walkthrough'?

A 'walkthrough' is an informal meeting for evaluation or informational purposes. Little or no preparation is usually required. Or
It is an informal meeting for information purpose. No preparation is required .just sharing the ideas.

People Involved The following people attended the meeting:

Architect. The architect organized and chaired the meeting. He wanted to create a threat model early in the design phase, to influence subsequent design decisions. Business Analyst. The business analyst was invited to the meeting to answer and clarify questions regarding the security objectives and primary use cases. Note that the business analyst is an optional attendee and might not be required if the architect can answer the questions. Developer. The developer wanted to understand the security implications of various design and implementation choices. Test Lead. The test lead was invited to the meeting because the architect wanted the threat model to help define the test strategy. The test lead wanted to know where to focus his security testing. Note:This meeting did not involve any operations or network staff. Make sure you know your operational constraints. If necessary, check with your IT staff about relevant corporate policies or other infrastructure constraints.

Meeting Guidelines The architect outlined the following meeting guidelines: The meeting was to be limited to one hour. A single nominated person would take notes. In this case, the developer was asked to take notes. The team would record issues that needed to be taken offline for further discussion.

The architect specified the amount of time he wanted to spend on each step so that the meeting would complete in an hour. He wanted steps 1, 2, and 3 to be completed in approximately 20 minutes and the rest of the meeting time to be spent on threat and vulnerability identification. He also allowed time for a five-minute meeting wrap-up. What's an 'inspection'? An inspection is more formalized than a 'walkthrough', typically with 3-8 people including a moderator, reader, and a recorder to take notes. The subject of the inspection is typically a document such as a requirements spec or a test plan, and the purpose is to find problems and see what's missing, not to fix anything. Attendees should prepare for this type of meeting by reading thru the document; most problems will be found during this preparation. The result of the inspection meeting should be a written report. Thorough preparation for inspections is difficult, painstaking work, but is one of the most cost effective methods of ensuring quality. Employees who are most skilled at inspections are like the 'eldest brother' in the parable in 'Why is it often hard for management to get serious about quality assurance?'. Their skill may have low visibility but they are extremely valuable to any software development organization, since bug prevention is far more cost-effective than bug detection. Testing types What white box testing? It is nothing but testing the structural part of application.

Or It is a testing approach that examines the application program structure and derives test cases from the application program logic. This is also called open box testing or or or structual testing clear box testing glass box testing

It is purely taken care by developers or development dept. To perform this testing s/w awarness is required. To perform this testing intermediate code manual is required. During this testing test engineers has to follow WBT techniques. WBT techniques: these are 3 1. execution testing: What is black box testing? It is nothing but testing the functional part of application. No need of knowledge of internal logic of code. Unit testing The testing of individual software components Or Testing the individual functionality of the application is nothing but unit testing. Module testing Testing the combined functionalities of an application is nothing but module testing.

Integration testing Testing the combined modules of application is nothing but integration testing. Exhaustive testing The last executable statement within a component. What is base line document? Can u say any two? Which documents certified o/p of one stage passed on to another stage is nothing but base line document. E.g.: the 1st version of SRS is considered as a base line document. What is SDLC? And STLC? SDLC stands for s/w development life cycle. It specifies how exactly u develop a s/w through various steps and procedures followed to develop a s/w is nothing but SDLC. (Or) It begins when s/w 1st time introduced and ends when s/w is no longer in use. STLC stands for s/w testing life cycle. It specifies how performed to achieve quality and found bugs with a systematic procedure is nothing but STLC. (Or) It begins at ending of the requirement phase means at design level and ends when s/w is no longer in use. What kinds of testing u have done? Usability, functionality, Regression testing, little bit involved in Database testing. What is out come of testing? A quality product. What type of testing tester do? Black box testing such as usability, functionality, data base testing, regression like that. After completion of testing what would u deliver to the client?

Test plan document Test scenarios documents Test case document Defect reports Status reports (monthly, weekly, daily) Test scripts Project/product sign off document.

What is test case? Test case is a document which describes INPUT, ACTION, EVENT and EXPECTED RESPONSE to determine if feature of an application is working correctly or not. Test case is a sequence of steps to test the correct behavior of a functionality/feature of an application. It is nothing but a document which contains a set of inputs and executions results based on conditions to determine a feature of an application. It is purely taken care by testers By taking the help of test cases we can test whether the application is properly working or not. Status Pass Fail What is good test case? In my view Which test case covers maximum functionalities, finding the faults effectively, easy to use, ease to understand, does not do unnecessary things is called as good test case. Entry criteria Approved test plan Requirement specification ECP& BVA prepared Test case template Any design document Exit criteria Test case should reviewed and approved. It is a document which contains a set of possible inputs and executions for expected results based on conditions to determine a feature of application.

Uses By taking the help of test cases we can test whether the application is properly working or not. What is a good test case? A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as yet undiscovered area. Which one (minimum test cases) covers maximum functionalities is called as good test case. Or A good test case is has not more than steps and cover more functionality in a single shot. A good test case satisfies the criteria means: Finding faults efficiently Easy to maintain Cheap to use Easy to understand and does not do unnecessary things. How will u prepare test cases? By using docs. Like BRS, CRS, SRS (through requirements) we prepare use cases by using use cases we prepare test cases. How u prepare good test case? Each and every company follows their own format for test cases. But the final aim is to cover all the functionality to test the project. How will u check that Ur test cases are covered all requirements? By using traceability matrix (TRM) What is TRM? And CRM? It is showing the relationship b/w requirements& corresponding test cases. Or It is mapping b/w requirements & test cases.

CRM means Cross Reference Matrix It is mapping b/w requirements &maps (design maps). Like I mean Minimum number of test cases =no. of inputs*1.6 E.g.: suppose u have a web page for addition of two numbers Then u have input 1: Input 2: Sum: In this form we have two input objects (input 1, input 2) So, minimum test cases for this form will be Test cases=input object 1*1.6= (i.e.) 2*1.6=3.2(minimum of test cases it should have is 3) but max can vary. What is Test scenario? Test scenario represents a series of actions that are associated together from initiation stage to completion Means it specifies overall view of one object total functionality. Entry criteria:

approved test plan requirments specification (or) SRS any design document test scenario template

Exit criteria: test scenario should be reviewed and approved.

What is an Entry criteria? It is a condition which input of the phase as to satisfy to get entry into the phase is nothing but entry criteria. What is an exit criteria? It is a condition which output of the phase as to satisfy to get exit from the phase is nothing but exit criteria. What is test data? A set of values are used in test or that are necessary to execute the test based on test case requirements we will prepare the test data. What is an error? A mistake in coding is called as an error. What is defect or issue? This error is found by test engineer during the testing period that is called defect or issue. What is bug? This defect or issue is accepted by development dept. or developer is called as bug. What is fault? A manifestation of an error in s/w. A fault. An incorrect step, process, or data definition in a computer program What is failure? The inability of a system or system component to perform a required function within specified limits. A failure may be produced when a fault is encountered. Top to down testing With out presence of sub modules testing the application by using the main module is called as top to down testing. Stub Instead of sub module we need to take the help of temporary programs is called stub.

Bottom to top testing Without presence of main module testing the application by using sub module is called as bottom to top testing. Drivers Instead of main module we have to use temporary program is called as driver. Sand witch testing The combination of top to down &bottom to top approaches is called as sand witch testing. This is the final stage of integration testing. Static testing Verification performed with out executing the systems code. It is also called as static analysis. Or With out executing the test functionality is called as static testing. E.g.: GUI, Usability Dynamic testing Verification &validation performed which executes the systems code is called as dynamic testing. Test driver or test harness A program or test tool used to execute tests. It is also known as test harness. What is end to end testing? It is nothing system testing. The term system testing means the combination of functionality testing &non functionality testing. Defect leak The defect which can be found and reproduced by end user/client people the same we (test engineer) unable to found at the time of testing. This is also called as defect leakage. Black box testing techniques: 1. Equivalence partitioning

2. Boundary value analysis 3. Cause-effective graphing 4. Error guessing Equivalence partitioning: test the inputs would be selected from each portion of BVA. Boundary value analysis: testing the inputs at boundaries. Upper, lower Cause-effective graphing: a graphical representation of inputs and the associated out puts effects which can be used to design test cases. Error guessing: Smoke testing: Usability testing How is to understand &navigate the application is nothing but usability testing. Re testing and Regression testing Retest: retesting means executing the test cases again on the same build like I mean which is already tested by providing multiple test data. Like max, min, -ve, +ve, zero, int, float etc. Regression testing: means executing the same test cases on the modified build. Like I mean which is already tested when ever the changes are made or some new functionalities are add make sure that changes are not effected the previous functionality. Regression testing are two types Bug regression testing Functional regression testing For e.g. If there are 1000 test cases to be executed in the first build....And of the 1000 test cases, 100 fail and 900 pass.... suppose in 1000 test cases 3rd ,7th ,12th , 20th ..... like that upto 100 test cases are failed initially while we are executing the test cases(1000) the 3rd test case has failed then we will conduct retesting on that for clarification whether it is bug or not? Before sending the bug report with the status of 'new' And the same way we will conduct retesting on the remaining failed test cases like 7th , 12th , 20th .....

Then after bug fixing whenever the modified build(2nd build) is received, Functional REGRESSION Testing has to be done on the 900 test cases and the remaining 100 failed test cases are to be Bug Regression testing. Suppose in that 3rd one has failed once again then we will do retesting for clarification whether it has been fixed or not? if it is not fixed before sending the bug with the status of 're-open' and bug regression testing on 100 testcases and functional regresssion testing on 900 test cases and on overall 1000 test cases we will conducting regression testing. Which is doing first retesting or regression testing? Retesting is first generally retesting starts from initial build(1st build) and regression testing starts from modified build(2nd build)

Data volume testing or volume testing During this testing test engineers estimate the storage in terms of no. of records. Security testing Whether the application is providing privacy or not to the customer data. Storage testing Estimate the limit of storage in terms of bytes is nothing but storage testing. Authentication testing Testing life cycle preparation of test plan(unit, integration,...) design your test cases prepare test data and test procedures executing the test cases as per procedures prepare defect reports regression testing after verification defect fix

How to track defect? Identify the test failure report defect fix the problem analyze the problem reproduce the problem problem complet SDLC What is SDLC? It specifies how exactly u develop a s/w through various steps and procedures followed to develop a s/w is nothing but SDLC. S/W project. S/w related problems are solved by s/w engineers through s/w engineering process are called as s/w project. There are 6 phases 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. information gathering analysis design coding testing release& maintenance

Information gathering: In this phase business analysist gather the requirements and prepare the BRS. This time they verify whether the requirements are specified correctly or not and whether the customer is providing complete information or not. Analysis: In this phase sr.analysist or P.M. prepare the s/w RS document with the help of BRS. This document consists 2 sub documents 1. system requirement specification (SRS) 2. functional requirement specification(FRS) SRS contains the details of s/w, h/w, o/s

FRS contains the details of functionality to be used in project. And also in this phase they verify Whether the customer requirements are achievable things or not And testable things or not And meets to the cost or not. Design: In this phase designer creates two types of documents 1. HLD 2. LLD HLD --- consists of main module of the project from root to leaf and multiple LLD mo0dules. LLD --- consists of sub modules of main module and along with flow diagrams, E.R diagrams prepared by internal designer. And also in this phase they verify Whether the HLD & LLD are defined correctly or not. Whether the HLD & LLDs are complete or not. Whether it is following any data flow diagrams & ER diagrams or not. Coding: The design must be translated into programming form (language) Programming language like C, C++ and JAVA like that are used for coding. Programming tools like compilers, interpreters, debuggers are used to generate the code. Specific type of application chooses the right programming language. Testing: Once the code is generated then the testing will be started by using diff.types of methodologies like WBT, BBT with the help of their techniques. WBT-- It is nothing but testing the structural part of application.

BBT-- It is nothing but testing the functional part of application. No need of knowledge of internal logic of code. Release & maintain: After performing

What is testing ? Testing is a process of verifying the s/w to check whether it fulfills the requirements or not with the intent of finding errors. What is quali ty? A quality product is bug free, delivers on time, with in budget, meets the customer requirements, and maintainable. BRS: The BRS defines the requirements of customer to be developed. SRS : The SRS defines the functional requirements to be developed and the system requirements to be used. Re views:

A document level testing technique during this review, the responsible people are estimating the completeness & correctness of corresponding document. What is a 'w alkthrough'? A 'walkthrough' is an informal meeting for evaluation or informational

purposes and is conduct by quality assurance people. In this they can see all the

coding standard and also follow them in manually.. Little or no preparation is required. Also walkthrough does not have minutes of the meet. can happen at any time. no schedule such as. Walkthrough is there for both Testing and Coding.

What's an 'ins pection'? including a moderator, reader, and a recorder to take notes. The subject of the inspection is typically a document such as a requirements spec or a test plan, and the purpose is to find problems and see what's missing, not to fix anything. Attendees should prepare for this type of meeting by reading thru the document; meeting should be a written report. Thorough preparation for inspections is difficult, painstaking work, but is one of the most cost effective methods of ensuring quality. Employees who are most skilled at inspections are like the 'eldest brother' in the parable in 'Why is it often hard for management to get serious about quality any software development organization, since bug prevention is far more costeffective than bug detection. What is verifi ca tion? valid ation? Verifi ca tion and validation requirments are complet, correct and if the s/w of each development phase fulfills the requirements and conditions, imposed by the previous phase etc. Verifi ca tion typically involves reviews and meetings to evaluate documents, plans, code, requirements, and specifications. This can be done with checklists, issues lists, walkthroughs, and inspection meetings. completed. Valida tion typically involves actual testing and takes place after verifications are (v&v) is a process that helps to determine if the s/w assurance?'. Their skill may have low visibility but they are extremely valuable to most problems will be found during this preparation. The result of the inspection An inspection is more formalized than a 'walkthrough', typically with 3-8 people

Verifi ca tion answers the question, Are we building Valida tion addresses, Are we building the What whi te box testing? It is nothing but testing the structural part of application. Or

Product Right?

the righ t Product? "

It is a testing approach that examines the application program structure and derives test cases from the application program logic. This is also called open box testing

or or or

structual testing clear box testing glass box testing 1.Basis Path Testing

There are 4 White Box Testing Techniques: 2.Control Structure testing 4.Mutation Testing

3.Program technique Testing 1.B asi s Path T esting:

During this test the programmers concentrate on the execution of programs follows the below approach.

without any runtime errors. To conduct this test, the corresponding programmer Write a program with respect to LLD (Low Level Design) Draw a flow graph for that program. Calculate cyclomatic complexity. Runt that program more than one time to cover all executable areas. Eg:

- ------- -------If (?) ------else Condition




Cyclomatic Complexity =

One should run the above program 2 times to cover all executable areas. A programmer gets confidence that a program is running only when the cyclomatic complexity is reached in running the programs designed. NOTE: The above program should be run 2 times

One time to check whether if condition is satisfied or not Next time to check whether the else condition is satisfied or not, without any runtime errors. 2. Control Struc ture Testing:

During this test, the corresponding programmer concentrates on

correctness of program execution in this test, they verify every statements of state.

program execution. In this test, they verify every statements input state & Output Eg: Debugging During this test, the programmers concentrate on the execution chnique Te sting:

3. Program Te

speed of a program. If the execution speed is not reasonable, then programmers A B

perform changes in the structure of the program without disturbing functionality of the program. i. c=a;

Eg: Swapping Program a=c+b;

1. Us ability testing 2. Functional T esting 3. Non Functional Te 1.Usabili ty Testing: sting

In general, the separate testing team starts test execution with usability

testing. During this test, the team concentrates on user-friendliness of the software build screens. The usability testing consists of 2 sub tests. a) User Interface a) User - interface b) Manuals Support Testing Testing

In User Interface Testing software build is tested for Ease of use (Understandability) Look & Feel (Attractiveness) Speed in Interface (Short navigations)

Testing: -

These are applied on every screen in the software build. b) Manu als Support Te sting: -

Also known as Help - documents testing. During this test, the testing team concentrates on correctness & completeness of Help Documents / User Manuals. NOTE: In general, the testing team conducts User- interface testing & then conducts functional & nonFunctional Tests. All the end of testing Receive build from development team. User Interface Testing process, the testing team concentrates on Manuals Support Testing

(Usability Testing)

Functional & Non Functional Testing Manuals Support Testing What is uni t testing? Or

Testing the individual functionaity of an application is nothing but unit testing. testing the small part an application is nothing but unit testing. What is modu al tes ting? Testing the combined functioalities of an application is nothing but modual testing. What is integ ration testing? 2. Functional Te sting: Testing the combined moduals of an application is nothing but integration testing. A Moderator testing level during which the testing team

concentrates on customer requirements interms of functionality. During this test, the testing team applies below sub-tests on the software build. i) Functionalit y Testing ii) Sanita tion Testing i) Functionalit y Testing: -

During this test, the testing team concentrates on correctness of

every functionality with respect to requirements. In this test, the testing team follows the below coverage. GUI Coverage / Behavioral Coverage Error Handling Coverage Input Domain Coverage

(Changes in Properties of Objects in Screen) (Preventing incorrect Operations)

(Taking correct size & type of Inputs) Manipulations Coverage Backend Coverage (Returning correct output)

(The Impact of front-end screens operations on backend tables)

Sanit ation tes ting: -

Order of functionalities Coverage This is also known as Garbage Testing. During this test, the testing team

identifies extra functionalities in the software build with respect to customer requirements. 3. Non-Functionali ty T esting:

concentrates on extra characteristics of the software. i. Recovery Testing ii. Compatibility Testing iii. Configuration Testing iv. Inter system Testing v. Installation Testing vi. Load Testing vii. Stress Testing Re cov ery Te sting: -

A complex level in system testing during which the testing team

viii. Data Volume Testing It is also known as Reliability Testing. During this testing team

validates that whether the software build changes from abnormal mode to normal mode.


Back up & Recovery Procedures Normal

ii) Co mpatibility Testing:

validates whether the software build is running on customer expected platforms or not? Platforms are Operating Systems, Compilers, Browsers & Other system software.

Also Known as Portability Testing. During this test, the testing team

iii) Config ura tion Te sting: -

It is also known as Hardware compatibility test. During this test, the

testing team validates whether the software the software build is supporting different technologies, hardware devices or not?

Eg: Different printer technologies, various network technologies, etc. Inter System It is also known END TO END Testing. During this test, the team Testing:

validates whether the software build is co-existent with other software to share common resources or not?

Install ation testing:

During this testing test engineers validates how much space is occupied by the application and whether they validates the application is providing easy navigation steps to install. It is also called as port testing. What is load testing? The execution of our s/w build and the customer expected configuration and load scalability testing. scalability testing means that the no. of concurrent users. to estimate the speed in processing is called as load testing. this is also called as

What is stress testing ?

The execution of our s/w build and the customer expected configuration and more than the customer expected load to estimate peak load is called as stress testing.

What is soak testing?

When running a system at high level of speed for a prolong period of time this test executes several times more transactions in an entire day if the system may stop

working after no. of transactions have been proceed due to memory leaks or other defects so, soak testing provide an opportunity to identify such defects. Da ta Volume Testing: During this test, the testing team estimates the peak limit of data handled by

our software build.

Stora ge testing:

during this testing test engineers estimates the limit of storage interms of bytes. Se curi ty testing: During this testing test engineers validates whether the applcation is providing privacy or not to the customer's data( user operations) Au thentication testing:

During this testing test engineers verifies whether the application is having login screen or not means whether our application is allowing valid users or not with login id and password. Acce ss control testing: data(services)

it is used to check whether the user is having the permissions or not to access the eg: manager,adminidtrator, authentication user etc.are having the permisssions to accesss the data. Parallel Te sting: test, the testing team is comparing the recent software build with previous versions of the software build or with the competitive software in market to estimate competitiveness. This testing is only applicable to software products. It is also known as Comparative Testing or Competitive Testing. During this

Ad-hoc Te sting: -

In general, every testing team conducts planned testing, but testing team

adopts informal testing sometimes due to some challenges or risks.

Eg: Lack of time, lack of resources, lack of team size, lack of skill, etc. This informal testing is also known as Ad-hoc testing. There are

different styles in Ad-hoc testing. Buddy T esting: -

A developer and a tester are working together as buddies t help each other to

find out the defects early. Due to lack of time developers and testers are working together. or Eg: 1:1 (or) 2:1 (or) 3:1 (preferable) Due to lack of time, the management groups programmers & testers as

Buddies. Every buddy group consists of programmers & testers. Pair T esting: -

this test is done by 2 testers one is Sr. and another one Jr. in them to find the defects on the same functionality, here Sr. tester is sharing his experience with Jr. tester (new) or when the new tester has lack of knowledge on the or application Due to lack of knowledge on project domain the management groups a senior tester

& a Junior Programmers are developed and conducted testing, these all are called Pair testing. Mo nkey Testing: activities in the software build for testing. This style of testing is known as Monkey testing or Chimpanzee testing or Gorilla testing. Ex plora tory T esting: Due to lack of time, the testing team concentrates on some of the main

Due to lack of proper documentation of the software being built, the test engineers depend on past experience, discuss with others, browse the Internet or testing is called Exploratory Testing. or Exploratory testing is an approach in software testing with simultaneous learning, things that together with experience and creativity generates new good tests to run. De fect Seeding : To estimate the efficiency of test engineers, the programmers add some bugs conve ntional): Operate similar projects and contact customer side people if possible. This style of

test design and test execution. While the software is being tested, the tester learns

to the build. This task is called defect seeding / debugging. alpha testing(nonBeta testing(conve En cryption and

testing the application at the developer's site by the enduser. Testing the application at the customer's site by the customer. it is purly taken care by the development dept. coding and decoding the data is called as encryption Beau ty testing: converting the data from one formate to another formate is called as decryption. user interface testing is also called as beau ty or cosmotic testin g. decryption testing: ntional):

Sta tic testing

Verification performed with out executing the systems code. It is also called as static analysis. Or With out executing the test functionality is called as static testing. E.g.: GUI, Usability

Dynamic testing
Verification &validation performed which executes the systems code is called as dynamic testing. Sanity testing: Sanity testing is overall functionality oriented.Whether the released build is

stable or not for further testing. It is also called as build acceptance

testing(BAT).After receiving the initial build testing team conducts testing to find out whether the build is working or not. Which is the first testing technique applied opening or not on the build? To check the whether the build is acceptable for 1. All menu items are 1. All menu items are opening or not 2. All text boxes are accepting key board values or not. When we get the initial build from the development team, we perform sanity

3. All objects are responding or not etc.

testing. whether build is working properly interims of following factors Easy to understand, Easy to Operate, Short Navigations. With significant of s/w we have to apply this testing(new version)

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