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COURT CLERK STATE/COUNY MAGISTRATE COURT Post office box 7777 City, State 12345-7777 Sent: 15th August

2011 by U>S> Certified Mail Recorded Delivery no. ___________________

COURT Case No: 123456789 -This document is a matter of public record. -All word definitions comply with Black's Law Dictionary 9th Edition. [Scope of this Notice] Dear (Clerk Name): 1.I have not seen any facts or evidence that i nam a "Public Servant" and I believe that no such evidence exists. if you have evidence that contradicts this belief, then please furnish that evidence within Ten (10) Days from the date of this notice nso that i may prepare my case for trial. 2. If no evidence exists to prove that I am a "Public Servant" then I respectfully request that you enter my "Motion to Dismiss" this case into the court record for the judge and District Attorney to Consider. 3. It is my understanding and belief that

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