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Modul Bestari Matematik UPSR JPNS 2010

UNIT 5 MONEY Objective Questions 1. RM3 016.20 is read as RM3 016.20 dibaca sebagai A Three thousand sixty ringgit and twenty sen Tiga ribu enam puluh ringgit dan dua puluh sen B Three thousand one hundred six ringgit and twenty sen Tiga ribu seratus dan enam ringgit dan dua puluh sen C Three thousand sixty-one ringgit and twenty sen Tiga ribu enam puluh sau ringgit dan dua puluh sen D Three thousand sixteen ringgit and twenty sen Tiga ribu enam belas ringgit dan dua puluh sen Which of the following has the highest value? Antara berikut manakah yang mempunyai nilai tertinggi? A RM236.80 B RM238.60 C RM263.80 D RM286.30 Seventy nine thousand four hundred and nineteen ringgit written in numerals is Tujuh puluh sembilan ribu empat ratus dan sembilan belas ringgit ditulis dalam angka ialah A RM70 949 B RM79 419 C RM79 491 D RM79 941 RM655 = A RM6 000 + RM5 000 + RM500 B RM6 000 + RM500 + RM50 C RM600 + RM500 + RM5 D RM600 + RM50 + RM5 Round off RM54.68 to the nearest ringgit. Bundarkan RM54.68 kepada ringgit yang terdekat. A RM50 B RM54 C RM55 D RM56





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214 060 sen is equivalent to 214 060 sen adalah bersamaan A RM21.40 B RM214.06 C RM2 140.60 D RM21 406.00 RM28 000 = 210 RM100 notes + RM28 000 = 210 keping RM100 + What number must be written in the Apakah nombor yang mesti ditulis dalam A B C D 60 140 150 160 RM50 notes keping RM50 ? itu?



How many RM50 notes make RM80 000? Berapakah bilangan wang kertas RM50 supaya menjadi RM80 000? A B C D 160 1 600 16 000 160 000


Table 1 shows the quantities of notes and coins. Jadual 1 menunjukkan kuantiti wang kertas dan syiling. RM50 3 RM10 10 Table 1 Jadual 1 Calculate the amount of money. Hitung jumlah wang tersebut. A RM280 B RM580 C RM780 D RM1 180 RM5 5 50 sen 10


59 600 sen + 11 400 sen = A RM710 B RM696 C RM686

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RM6 123.30 + RM119.50 = A RM6 224.80 B C D RM6 242.80 RM6 324.80 RM7 318.80


RM31 810 + RM40 677 = A RM65 625 B RM68 215 C RM70 675 D RM72 487 RM15.30 + 95 sen + RM75 = A RM90.25 B RM91.25 C RM99.80 D RM99.95 RM74.20 RM36.30 = A RM27.90 B RM37.90 C RM38.20 D RM39.70 RM87 000 RM14 030 RM27 750 = A RM73 570 B C D RM63 750 RM45 820 RM45 220





What is the product of RM4 832.15 and 16? Berapakah hasil darab RM4 832.15 dan 16? A RM28 992.90 B RM58 992.90 C RM77 314.40 D RM79 514.40 How many RM50 notes are there in RM35 500?.


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Berapakah bilangan wang kertas RM50 dalam RM35 500? A 71 B 710 C 7 100 D 71 000 18. Which of the following has the smallest value? Manakah antara berikut mempunyai nilai terkecil? A 34 notes of RM50 34 keping RM50 B 165 notes of RM10 165 keping RM10 C 300 notes of RM5 300 keping RM5 D 1 850 notes of RM1 1 850 keping RM1 19. RM68.30 11 = A RM75.13 B RM751.30 C RM7 013.50 D RM7 513 RM143.55 10 = A RM14.35 B RM143.55 C RM1 435 D RM1 435.50 RM655 5 = A RM131 B RM132 C RM133 D RM135 RM129.80 4 = A B C D 23. RM32.45 RM33.45 RM518.20 RM519.20




RM42 284.80 8 =

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RM5 285.60 RM5 825.60 RM5 852.60 RM5 856.20


RM4 029 7 5 = A RM5 640.60 B RM7 050.75 C RM8 401.60 D RM8 940.25 Ramlah has RM814.25 more than Siti. Siti has RM270. How much money do they have altogether? Ramlah mempunyai RM814.25 lebih daripada Siti. Siti mempunyai RM270. Berapakah wang yang mereka ada? A RM1 084.25 B RM1 354.25 C RM1 763.50 D RM1 898.50



An oven costs RM500. An air conditioner costs 7 times more than an oven. Find the cost of the air conditioner. Sebuah oven berharga RM500 manakala sebuah penyaman udara 7 kali harganya daripada oven. Hitung harga penyaman udara itu. A RM1 200 B RM2 500 C RM3 400 D RM3 500 27. A radio cost RM185.50. Azmi paid with one RM100 note and two RM50 notes. How much was his change? Sebuah radio berharga RM185.50. Azmi membayar dengan sekeping RM100 dan dua keping RM50. Berapakah baki wangnya? A RM4.50 B RM14.50 C RM34.50 D RM64.50 Six pencils cost RM21.60. How much do 2 pencil cases cost? Enam batang pensel berharga RM21.60. Berapakah harga 2 batang pensel? A RM6.20 B RM7.20


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RM8.10 RM9.10


Diagram 1 shows the price of a guitar. Rajah 1 menunjukkan harga sebuah gitar. RM750

Diagram 1 Rajah 1 Mr Tan wants to buy it and he has RM900. Which of the following statements is correct? Mr Tan ingin membeli gitar tersebut dan dia mempunyai RM900. Pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar? A Mr Tan has RM100 more than the selling price Encik Tan mempunyai RM100 lebih daripada harga jualan B Mr Tan has RM100 less than the selling price Encik Tan mempunyai RM100 kurang daripada harga jualan C Mr Tan has RM150 more than the selling price Encik Tan mempunyai RM150 lebih daripada harga jualan D Mr Tan has RM150 less than the selling price Encik Tan mempunyai RM150 kurang daripada harga jualan


Rahimah bought 10 packets of juice. Each packet costs RM1.75. She pays with two pieces of RM10. How much is her balance? Rahimah membeli 10 peket jus. Setiap peket berharga RM1.75. Dia membayar dengan dua keping RM10. Berapakah baki wangnya? A B C D RM1.50 RM2.00 RM2.20 RM2.50

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UNIT 5 MONEY Subjective Questions 1. Write RM679.55 in words. Tuliskan RM679.55 dalam perkataan.


Write RM4 708.60 in words. Tuliskan RM4 708.60 dalam perkataan.


Write eighty one thousand four hundred thirty-three ringgit and ninety sen in numerals. Tulis lapan puluh satu ribu empat ratus tiga puluh tiga ringgit dan sembilan puluh sen dalam angka.


Write RM90 561.85 in words. Tulis RM90 561.85 dalam perkataan.


RM258.40 + RM4 285.60 =


Calculate RM25 183.70 + RM30 526. Hitung RM25 183.70 + RM30 526.

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RM1 497 + RM88 452.35 =


RM3 700 RM912.40 =


RM9 000 Find the value in Cari nilai pada .

= RM825.75 . .


RM54 627.30 RM12 081 =


Subtract RM14 856.40 from RM86 960.75. Tolak RM14 856.40 daripada RM86 960.75.


RM108.70 5 =

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RM459.95 7 =


RM4 832.15 15 =


RM34.85 17 =


RM2 514.24 27 =


Find the sum of RM14.25 and RM335.90. Cari jumlah RM14.25 dan RM335.90


RM2 764.80 + RM645.10 = Give your answer to the nearest RM. Berikan jawapan kepada RM yang terhampir.

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4 pieces RM100 + 1 piece RM50 + 5 pieces RM10 + 3 pieces RM5 = 4 keping RM100 + 1 keping RM50 + 5 keping RM10 + 3 keping RM5 =


RM24 186 3 8 =


RM87 025 10 9 =


Table 22 shows the quantity of notes and coins. Jadual 22 menunjukkan bilangan wang kertas dan syiling. Money Wang RM100 20 sen Quantity Bilangan 200 50

Table 22 Jadual 22 Calculate the total value of the money. Hitung jumlah nilai wang itu.

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RM1 080 RM459.35 + RM2 060.80 =

Money RM100 RM50 RM10 20 sen Wang Quantity 24. How much must be 2 3 1 9 Kuantiti added to RM4 125.70 in order that the total amount is RM9 000? Berapakah yang perlu ditambah kepada RM4 125.70 supaya jumlahnya ialah RM9 000?


Table 25 shows the quantity of notes and coins. Jadual 25 menunjukkan bilangan wang kertas dan syiling.

Table 25 Jadual 25 How much is the total value of money? Berapakah jumlah wang tersebut?


Calculate the total of RM18 160, RM114.35 and RM12.80. Hitung jumlah RM18 160, RM114.35 dan RM12.80.

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Encik Zaki bought a new car for RM49 500 and a motorcycle for RM4 800. What is the total cost for both of the vehicles? Encik Zaki membeli sebuah kereta berharga RM49 500 dan sebuah motosikal berharga RM4 800. Berapakah jumlah harga kedua-dua kenderaan tersebut?


Encik Chin gives his sons, John RM480 and Allen RM625. How much does Encik Chin give to both his sons? Encik Chin memberi anak lelakinya, John RM480 dan Allen RM625. Berapakah jumlah wang yang diberikan oleh Encik Chin kepada anak-anak lelakinya?


Diagram 29 shows the prices of a sofa, an electric kettle and a lamp. Rajah 29 menunjukkan harga sebuah sofa, sebuah cerek elektrik dan sebuah lampu.




Diagram 29 Rajah 1 Calculate the total price of the three products above. Hitung jumlah harga ketiga-tiga peralatan di atas.

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Diagram 30 shows the price of a lamp and a sofa. Rajah 30 menunjukkan harga sebuah lampu dan sebuah sofa.



Diagram 30 Rajah 30 Calculate the difference in price between the two items. Hitung beza harga antara kedua-dua item tersebut.


What is the difference between RM100 000 and RM28 100? Berapakah beza antara RM100 000 dan RM28 100?


Aminah bought a new television. She paid with RM2 000 and received a change of RM32.50. What is the price of the television? Aminah membeli sebuah televisyen. Dia membayar sebanyak RM2 000 dan diberi balik RM32.50. Berapakah harga televisyen itu?


Hashim earns RM85 every day. Calculate his earnings for a week. Hashim memperoleh RM85 setiap hari. Hitung pendapatannya dalam seminggu.

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If 1 kg of pineapples is RM5.30, find the price of 24 kg of pineapples. Jika harga 1 kg nanas ialah RM5.30, hitung harga 24 kg nanas.


4 RM5 600 = 7


3 RM31 900 = 5


Diagram 37 shows the price of a bouquet of roses. Rajah 37 menunjukkan harga sejambak bunga ros.

RM25.00 Diagram 37 Rajah 37 What is the price of 13 bouquets of roses? Berapakah harga bagi 13 jambak bunga ros


15 mobile phones cost RM7 870.20. If all mobile phones are at the same price, calculate the price of a mobile phone. 15 buah telefon bimbit berharga RM7 870.20. Jika harga setiap telefon bimbit itu adalah sama, hitung harga sebuah telefon bimbit.

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Diagram 39 shows several notes and coins. Rajah 39 menunjukkan beberapa keping wang kertas dan syiling.

Diagram 39 Rajah 39 What is the total value of money? Berapakah jumlah wang tersebut?


Mary has RM45.20. The price of a watch is 4 times of her money. What is the price for the watch? Mary mempunyai RM45.20. Harga sebuah jam tangan ialah 4 kali wangnya. Berapakah harga jam tangan tersebut?


Rahman bought 20 Tshirt of the same type for RM305. What is the selling price of a Tshirt? Rahman membeli 20 helai baju T yang sama dengan harga RM305. Berapakah harja jualan sehelai baju T?


A bracelet costs RM265.80 while a necklace costs RM455. Siti buys 2 bracelets and 4 necklaces. Find the amount of money she pays. Seutas gelang berharga RM265.80 sementara seutas rantai leher berharga RM455. Siti membeli 2 utas gelang dan 4 utas rantai leher. Cari jumlah wang yang perlu dibayarnya.

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Mr Chong divides RM1 937.67 among his 2 sons and 5 nephews. Calculate the amount of money each person gets. Encik Chin membahagikan RM1 937.67 antara 2 orang anaknya dan 5 orang anak saudaranya. Hitung jumlah wang yang diperolehi oleh setiap orang.


Kamals salary for March is RM1 525. He gets an increase of RM130.45 in his pay in April. Calculate his total salary for the months of March and April. Gaji Kamal pada bulan Mac ialah RM1 525. Dia menerima kenaikan sebanyak RM130.45 pada bulan April. Berapakah jumlah gaji Kamal pada bulan Mac dan April?


A trip for 2 persons to Australia costs RM10 708. What is the cost of 9 person to Australia? Perjalanan untuk 2 orang ke Australia berharga RM10 708. Berapakah kos untuk 9 orang ke Australia?


Daniel has 966 oranges. He packs them into packets of 21 oranges. If he sells each packet at RM10.50, how much money does he get? Daniel mempunyai 966 buah oren. Dia membungkusnya kepada bungkusan yang berisi 21 buah oren. Jika dia menjual setiap bungkusan sebanyak RM10.50, berapakah wang yang diperolehnya?

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Diagram 47 shows the price of a blouse. Rajah 47 menunjukkan harga sehelai baju. RM118.30

Diagram 47 Rajah 47 Mazna buys half dozen of the blouse. How much money does she need to pay? Mazna membeli setengah dozen. Berapakah wang yang perlu dibayarnya?


A storybook costs RM2.15. An exercise book costs RM1.55. Ani buys 5 storybooks, 2 exercise books and a revision book at a total price of RM29.80. What is the cost of revision book? Harga sebuah buku cerita ialah RM2.15. Harga sebuah buku latihan ialah RM1.55. Ani membeli 5 buah buku cerita, 2 buah buku latihan dan sebuah buku rujukan dengan jumlah harga RM29.80. Berapakah harga buku rujukan itu?


2 1 of his salary. He gives of the 3 2 remaining money to his wife and saves the remainder. How much is his saving? 2 Gaji Encik Tan ialah RM2 100 sebulan. Dia membelanjakan daripada gajinya. Dia 3 1 memberi daripada baki gajinya kepada isteri dan selebihnya disimpan. Berapakah 2 jumlah simpanannya? Encik Tans salary is RM2 100 a month. He spends

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The price of 5 pens is RM86. Maria buys 6 pens and pays with 3 RM50 notes. How much is his balance? Harga 5 buah pen ialah RM86. Maria membeli 6 batang pen dan membayar dengan 3 keping not RM50. berapakah baki wangnya?

UNIT 5 MONEY Sample answers 7. RM1 497 + RM88 452.35 =

Cara : Pastikan menyusun nombor mengikuti nilai tempat yang tepat RM1 497.00 + RM88 452.35 RM89 949.35


RM1 080 RM459.35 + RM2 060.80 =

Cara : Tolak dulu tambah kemudian RM1 080.00 RM459.35 RM 520.65

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RM520.65 + RM2969.80 RM3490.45

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Modul Bestari Matematik UPSR JPNS 2010

UNIT 5 MONEY Answers for Objective Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 UNIT 5 MONEY Answers for Subjective Questions D D B D C C B B A A 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B D B B D C B C B D 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A A A A B D B B C D PETUNJUK: P Pengetahuan K Kaedah N Nilai

Unit 5 Money Page 131

Questions No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Questions No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Unit 5 Money Page 132 24

Suggested Answers Six hundred seventy nine ringgit and fifty five sen Four thousand seven hundred eight ringgit and sixty sen RM81 433.90 Ninety thousand five hundred sixty one ringgit and eighty five sen RM4544 RM55 709.70 RM89 949.35 RM2 787.60 RM8 174.25 RM42 546.30 Suggested Answers RM72 104.35 RM543.50 RM3 219.65 RM72 482.25 RM2.05 RM93.12 RM14.25 + RM335.90 RM350.15 RM2 764.80 + RM645.10 = RM3 409.90 RM3 410 ( to the nearest ringgit) RM400 + RM50 + RM50 + RM15 RM515 RM24 186 x 3 = RM72 558 RM72 558 8 = RM9 069.75 RM87 025 10 = RM8 702.50 RM8 702.50 X 9 = RM78 322.50 RM20 000 + RM10 RM20 010 RM1 080 RM459.35 = RM620.50 RM620.50 + RM2 060.80 = RM2 681.45 RM9 000 RM4 125.70 RM4 874.30 RM200 + RM150 + RM10 + RM1.80

Sub Marks P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 Sub Marks P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 K1 N1 K1 N1 K1 N1 K1 N1 K1 N1 K1 N1 K1 N1 K1 N1 K1

Modul Bestari Matematik UPSR JPNS 2010

Total Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2



Accept answer in vertical form Accept answer in vertical form Accept answer in vertical form

2 2 2 2 2
Accept answer in vertical form Accept answer in vertical form Accept answer in vertical form Accept answer in vertical form Accept

Modul Bestari Matematik UPSR JPNS 2010

Questions No. RM305 20 41 RM15.25

Suggested Answers

Sub Marks K1 N1 K1 KI N1 P1 K1 N1 K1 K1 N1 K1 K1 N1 K1 K1 N1 P1 K1 N1 K1 K1 N1 K1 K1 N1 K1 K1 N1

Total Marks 2

Accept answer in long division method Accept answer in vertical form Accept answer in long division method Accept answer in vertical form



(RM265.80 x 2) + (RM455 x 4) RM531.60 + RM1 820 RM2 351.60 2 sons and 5 nephews= 7 RM1 937.67 7 RM276.81 Salary in April: RM1 525+RM130.45= RM1 655.45 RM1 525 + RM1 655.45 RM3 180.45 RM10 708 2 = RM5 354 RM5 354 x 9 RM48 186 966 21 = 46 RM10.50 x 46 RM483 Half dozen = 6 RM118.30 x 6 RM709.80 RM29.80 (RM2.15 x 5) = RM19.05 RM19.05 (RM1.55 x 2) RM15.95 2 x RM2 100 = RM1 400 3 RM2 100 RM1 400 = RM700 1 x RM700 = RM350 2 RM700 RM350 RM350 RM86 5 x 6 = RM103.2 RM150 RM103.20 RM46.80


45 46 47 48

3 3

Accept answer in vertical form

Accept answer in vertical form Accept answer in vertical form Accept answer in vertical form

3 3



Accept answer in vertical form

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