Handout Lesson 1

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Vocabulary Practice

Word Bank: Cynical Sophisticated Description 1) 2) Isabel has very strange habits. She likes to bark at dogs when she sees them in the street. Isabel is ________________________. Stephen really loves himself. He only talks about himself and he thinks he is the greatest man on earth. Stephen is ______________________. Sarita is very negative. She does not trust other people. She thinks everyone wants to steal her purse. Sarita is ______________________. Joses parents are very bossy. They always tell him what to do, and they never let him do anything that he wants. They wont even let him see his friends on the weekend! Joses parents are ______________________. Lisa wants a boyfriend, but she is very hard to please. She does not like very tall men, she does not like men with brown hair, and she only likes men with blue eyes. Lisa is ______________________. Laura is very creative. She wrote a book about a magical place where people can fly! Laura is ______________________. Alexandra is very emotional. Every time she watches the movie Titanic she cries. Alexandra is ______________________. Christina is very educated. She has a bachelors degree and a masters degree, and she speaks 4 different languages. She has also travelled to 12 different countries! Christina is ______________________. Princess Diana was a very kind woman. She did not like to see people suffer. To help others, she volunteered for many charities and visited sick people in the hospital. Princess Diana was ______________________. It is 21:00 and Julia is hungry. She wants to go to dinner, but she cant decide if she wants to eat Mexican food or Chinese food. By the time she decides, it is 23:00. Julia is ______________________. Compassionate Imaginative Sensitive Domineering Eccentric Egotistical Indecisive Picky




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