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Women Reservation: Women`s Reservation Bill or the The Constitution (108th Amendment) Bill, is a pending bill which proposes

to provide `thirty three percent of all seats in the Lower house of Parliament of India the Lok Sabha and state legislative assemblies shall be reserved for women. The Upper House Rajya Sabha passed it on 9 Mar 2010. Right to Education: The historic Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education Act came into force from April 1, 2010. Every child in the age group of 6-14 years will now be provided 8 years of elementary education. Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage: In a significant step towards India being ready to carry out nuclear trade, both houses of Parliament, In August 2010, passed the Nuclear Liability Bill which aims to provide a civil liability for nuclear damage and prompt compensation to the victims of a nuclear incident through a nofault liability to the operator, appointment of Claims Commissioner, establishment of Nuclear Damage Claims Commission. Britain pm david Cameron, France president Nicolas sarkozy,

Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard,

Pink Floyd: Founded in 1965 The band originally consisted of university students Roger Waters, Nick Mason, Richard Wright and Syd Barrett, David Gilmour
winners of 2010 Nobel Prizes: Chemistry - Richard F Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki; Medicine - Robert G Edwards; Physics - Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov; Literature - Mario Vargas Llosa; Economics - Peter Diamond, Dale T Mortensen and Christopher A Pissarides.

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