Exercice Tags

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Aide 5

I) Trouvez les tags :

Exercices dentrainement

Elodie Fior

1) I thought you would make that decision, ............... ? 2) There was hardly any noise when we came in, ............... ? 3) Come over here and sit by my side, ............... ? 4) Nobodyd be ready to work so late, ............... ? 5) Pauls brothers always been a good coach for our team, ............... ? 6) The young people were enchanted, ...................... they ? 7) When he finished there was a spontaneous burst of applause, ...................... ?, and the children jumped 8) about, ...................... ? 9) When he finished, nobody applauded, ...................... ? 10) I am to wait here till he comes back, ...................... ? 11) I've been able to reach to teach him whatever's useful, ...................... ? II) Inventez 3 phrases contenant will, avec pour chacune un des 3 sens fondamentaux de ce modal.


Faites une rponse d'approbation (en franais : en effet) contenant un auxiliaire : 1) John said theyd be safer if they stayed inside the car (2 rponses, en fonction de la partie de la phrase considre). 2) She considers herself the best specialist in Europe. 3) Paul will be very cross when he realises shes trying to get him sacked (2 rponses, en function de la partie de la phrase considre). 4) I knew he'd been dealing with dangerous animals since childhood (2 rponses, en fonction de la partie de la phrase considre) 5) She'll feel different tomorrow morning when the alarm blasts in her ear at 3 a.m.. 6) Paul shouted as they were passing a roadside farmhouse. (2 rponses, en fonction de la partie de la phrase considre)


Faites apparatre par des paraphrases la diffrence existant entre les squences a. et les squences b.. Puis Imaginez une suite compatible avec chacune des squences en a. et b., qui fasse ressortir les diffrences : 1) a. Peter must try his new bicycle. (1 paraphrase) b. He must be trying his new bicycle. (2 paraphrases) 2) a. He may try his new bicycle. (3 paraphrases) b. He may be trying his new bicycle. (2 paraphrases)


Reformulez au moyen de modaux: 1) It is possible that he is showing signs of his former vitality. 2) It is necessary for you to try to remember the secret code. 3) You don't have to wear this ugly jacket tonight if you don't want to. 4) You can normally expect her to be ready by now.

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