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relationship of okonkwo with ezinma. love for her.

(link Okonkwo seems a very hard man on flaws to the surface but he actually cares for relationship, flaw his children, he yelled at Ezinma of how he was to'''Sit like a woman!''' because she oving inards as will one day have to get use to it.his he had an ove is shown here in the way that he obsession of cares for her future ,as he wants her being thought to grow up to become a proper eak) woman.

He was very concerned about Ezinma, as when the priestess, Chielo, possessed by the spirit of Agbala, came to take Ezinma way to see Agbala, he'pleaded with her' to return in the morning as Ezinma had been 'ill of late' and needed her sleep so that she woud not be taken away. The fact that Okonkwo actually 'pleaded' with Chielo, expressing one of hsi rarely displayed emotions showed that he was very fond and concerned about Ezinma. Okonkwo's love for Ezinma is shown by his strictness and firmness. his concern is shown in the way he shouts at Ekwefi, when Ezinma fell sick and Okonkwo was supervising Ekwefi when she was pouring the water for her medicine, he roared at her to add ' a little moreI said a little'more water. this was becaue as he fears for her life, and this was the only way Okonkwo can express his love without' losing' his masculinity.

When Ezinma fell sick, and the only way to cure her was to find her iyiuwa. After following Ezinma over a long distance, and yet was unable to find the iyi-uwa, Okonkwo began to lose his impatience and temper, threatening Ezinma "'If you bring us all this way for nothing, i shall beat sense into you''', and calling her a 'wicked daughter of Akalogoli' when in reality, he was actually very concerned about Ezinma 's health and feels the urgent need to save her, his anxiety cause him to lose his composure and start to threaten Ezinma. she respected her father she dmired him as she obeyed her father and would always do as he wants out of respect for him ,for example even though many prosperous young men of Mbanta came to marry her she 'refused them all' because her father had told her he preferred her to marry in Umuofia, and so she agreed.

Good Able to meet his high she was the ideal child who understood relationship with expctations.They have a close Okonkw very well.she 'understood his Okonkwo. relationship because Okonkwo, every mood', knew his shortcomings being a man who basically oly values and took care to avoid it, example she masculine qualities, favours Ezinma was not afraid of him, even found ways to Nwoye because he feels that to deal with his emotions. After Ezinma has the qualities of a boy okonkwo yelled at her to 'si like a that even Nwoye did not possess, woman' she knew that he had a bad 'shld have been a boy'. Showed that temper and could stay angry for a long she has the 'right spirit' that mwoye time. Hence, she waited after a didnt. hence, she was able to meet ;suitable interval' before asking if he his high expections of the the child was goin to watch the wrestling match. that he had always wanted. this suggests that she was able to judge whether or not i was safe to speak in order not to get scolded.hence, a deep bond grew between father and child as they were understanding twards each other and he hardly had reason to scold her, thus they were able to maintain a close relationship with each other. his admiration for her he admired her spirit and wished often that she was a boy.he feels that Ezinma has the qualities of a boy that even Nwoye did not possess, 'shld have been a boy'. Showed the 'right spirit' that mwoye didnt

enoch incident: quptes/details details: during the annal woship of the earth goddess, enoch had boasred aloud that they would not dare touch a christian whereupon one of them gave enoch a good stroke of the cane, so enoch 'fell on him and tore of is mask' .the other egwugwus immediatly surrounded their desecrated companin to shield him for from the gaze of women and children and led him away. it was 'one of the greatet crimes'. that night, the mother of te spirits walked around the clanweeping for her 'murdered' son,' not even the oldest man in umuofia had ever heard such a strange and fearful sound'

1.caused great anger for the christians, so much so that they burned the church , thus worsening the already tense relationship between each other.simply leading to more hatred and intoleracne towards each other 2.Ibo people were very pious, they would not let enoch and the christians off since he has 'killed' an ancestoral spirit that they all respect adn worship. thus they marched in furyto enoch's compound and burned it. 'reduced it to a despolate heap',even burned the church built by brown. 3. served as ustification for their actions. the detailed description of the events that happened after this incident, like the wailing of the mother of the spirits and the use of words like 'murdered','killed' tells us the sheer severity of the crime ,this justifies their fury towards enoch for committing 'one of the greatest crimes' ,and the church for influencing him. this makes the urning of the enoch compund and the church justified and understandable.

ibo people : character traits

1. pious

would definitely avenge their gods.

they would not let enoch and the christians off since he has killed an ancestoral spirit that they all respect adn worship. thus they marched in fury to enoch's compound and burned it. 'moved like a furious whirlwind and 'reduced it to a despolate heap',even burned the church built by mr brown.
evenb though no one had actually seen the man kill the royal python, but 'all the same, the rulers and elders of Mbanta assembled to decide on their action', the poeople felt compelled to take action otherwise it wouold be an act of disobedience and disrespect to their god for not avenging the death of its messenger.

they treated religious ceremonies During the Sacred week, when Okonkwo failed to maintain his peace, as a very important affair.

he had to offer up sacrifices to Ani, the Earth Goddess to ask for her forgiveness otherwise she 'may refuse to give them[us] her increase' ,the crops will not grow and they shall all perish.hence they believe thst ani was responsible for all livelihood,thus felt an oblgation to treat these religious events seriously. this was because they had never seena bicycle before, and called it 'iron horse' ,the bicycle, at that tme was probably a widely used unvention, yet the ibo people had no idea what it was the white man was riding. This shows that live in a closed society with a lack of contact with the rest of the world as they are limited in knowledge due to the lack of interaction with the world, thus, the only knowledge that they have has been passed down through many generations, this explains their primitive knowledge which reflects their ignorance towards the world .

2. ignorant

very primitive in knowledge.


The Ibo society has a punishment for They believe that these punishments every crime. were instrumental In order to live in peace with their fellows to 'honour the great goddess of the earth without whose blessing their[our] crops will not grow'. The crime that Okonkwo has committed which was his failure in maintaining his peace during the Sacred week has insulted the earth goddess and she 'may refuse to give [us]them her increase'. Ezeani punished him by making him bring to the shrine of Ani, 'one she-goat, one hen, a length of cloth and a hundred cowries'.these punishments ensured that they abide by the laws of the society in the future or deter others from commiting the crime ,it makes them do as they are told, this was a form of obedience. beliefs-obanje When Ekwefi's son, Onwumbiko, died the medicine man was called to mutilate the child and then bury it in the Evil Forest,this was done to discourage the obaje's return as they believed that 'after such treatment, it would think twicebefore coming again'.this was suerstitious because they believed in the supernatural, which were the obanje, or spirit of the wicked children. this showed that their superstitious beliefs could results in inhuman behavior . The Ibo people never answered yes to someone who was calling from the outside as it might be 'an evil spirit calling', so instead, they would respond with 'Is that me?'this showed their superstition as they believed in sththat was supernatural ,not real. they were superstitious as they feared the Evil Forest,as they believed that it was 'alive with sinister forces and power of darkness' because 'in it were buried all those who died of the really eveil diseases', this showed their superstition as they believed in supernatural forces bringing unnecessary fear to themselves.


beliefs-minor superstition

beliefs--evil forest



when okonkwo accidentally killed ogbuefi udo's son, the people detroyued Okonkwo's compound as it was the 'justice of the earth goddess', they were 'cleansing the land' polluted with blood of clansmen as they were firghtened of . what might happen if the goddess was angered when 'her wrath was loosed on the land' if her land was not cleansed.this showed they were supersttious as they believed in the supernatural like earth goddess. the people had to be able to learn to When Ofoedu entered Obierika's hut, it wait calmly. was clear from his twinkling eyes that he had important news but 'it would be impolite to rush him', so Okonkwo and Obierika both had to wait until the ceremony with the kola nut was over. This showed that they wer patent as they were able to suppress their eagerness and have learnt to wait calmly. we know this as 'every man and woman came out to see the white man' , this suggests their curiosity as they were very eager to see who a white man was for the first time in their lives. showed that they were very curious to find out more about things that they knew nothing about. despite the rumor that a convert, okoli, had killed the royal python, the clan laeaders of mbana decided to ostracise instead of attack the christians by excluding the converts from 'life and privileges ' of the clan.this showed that they commited to peace as they did not want to use violence and wanted to avoid conflicts preferring to do thngs the peaceful way instead of using force and violence.(MBANTA)



more for okonkwo

Optimistic He was optimistic after he survived 'the worst year ' in living memory. He thought that since he 'survived that year,' he 'shall survive anything'. He was optimistic because he took that year to be a learning point in his life,and did not dwell on it for long, after which he looked forward to a better future, telling himself that nothing could be worse than that period in his life, that life could only improve. this showed that he was optimistic because he was hopeful of his future.

man of action (neutral) because he expresses his thoguhts and feelings through his behavior unreasonable

he was optimistic even after he had he knew that on his return to umuofia, lost the chance to be as successful he would have 'lost his place among as before. the nne masked spirits ' of umuofia, and 'lost thechance to lead his warlike can against the new religion', he had also 'lost the years in which he might have taken the hihest titles in the clan' yet he told himself that these losses were 'not irreparable',and stil had confidence that he would return with a flourish and 'regain his seven wasted years'. thisshowed that he was he decided to throw a 'giant feast' to optimistic because he was hopeful of 'thank my mother's kinsmen before I his future success . go' , this implies that he was a man of action as he does not go up to them to thanks them verbally, instead shows his gratititude through his actions. He also beat his third wife 'very heavily', Ojiugo during week of Peace just because she had left the chldn at home while she went to braid her hair,showed e was unresanoble because his treatment of he for what she had done was not fair and sensible.

he is violent as when he found out thart nwoye was he thinks that all seen among the christians, he did problems can be not burst out in rage just yet, inseas, solved through he 'sat unmoved'. when nwoye came using physical home, he 'sprang to his feet and force or weapons gripped nwoye[him] by the neck' as to kill and hurt if he were abou tot kill him and even other people. 'hit him two or three savage blows'. he is violent as he feels that only by using force can he make nwoye confess that he really was among the christians and stop him from doing so. Rigid and Okonkwo was intolerant towards Inflexible and unsuccessful people to the point of refuses to accept rudeness and refuses to accept anything differs these people. ( he only shows from his supressed tolerance towards them ) principles. (led to downfall, clings to tradition) At one meeting, a man contradicted Okonkwo . This man held no titles, so Okonkwo criticised him publicly, saying that ''This meeting is for men''. This lack of tolerance for men with no titles can be quite disrespectful and discourteous this shows him to be rigid and inflexible as he is unable to accept unsuccessful people, to him, the only type of people worth respecting and accepting are those who are as successful as himself.

Okonkwo is rigid and inflexible as he believes that masculinity can only cultivated from a young age and forces young boys must listen to stories of gore and violence so that they can become more masculine.

He would encourage his sons to sit with him and he told them stories of the land, ' masculine stories of violence and bloodshed'. He shared these stories with them to help them grow up to be brave warriors. This showed that he was rigid because he still wanted Nwoye to listen to them edespite knowing nwoye did not like them. He was demanding because he wants his son to be a great farmer and a brave warrior, as he 'will not have a son who cannot hold his head' at gatherings. This suggests that he was demanding as he sets very high expectations of his sons, In spite of knowing that Nwoye had a gentle nature and may not be able to be as respectable and capable a his father and thus may not live up to Okonkwo's expectations.


sets high standards.

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