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Cable Calculations

Design Procedure

Determine the design current Ib Select the rating of the protection In Select relevant correction factors (CF) Divide In by the relevant correction factors to give It Choose a cable size to suit It Check for voltage drop

Design Current

Calculations for Ib

P Ib V

Nominal setting of protection

Using the value determined for Ib, we then select the value of In
What tables can we use?

Correction factors

When a circuit runs at full load, it generates heat

To compensate for this, and protect the insulation, we need to apply correction factors

Ambient temperature Ca

IEE Regulations based on ambient temperature of 30C

Temperatures above or below this need a correction factor Appendix 6 OSG

Grouping Cg

When cables are grouped, the heat generated can be passed onto all the cables within a group
What table covers grouping?

BS3036 Cc

The BS3036 semi-enclosed fuse (rewirable) has a high fusing factor compared to other types of protective devices
When using this type, we need to apply a correction factor of 0.725

Thermal Insulation Ci

Virtually all new premises use thermal insulation as a means to conserve energy
Thermal insulation can de-rate a cable by as much as 50% in some situations (Table 6B) Note that if the cable is touching plasterboard or joists, then this factor does not apply

How to apply factors

If a circuit is protected by a BS3036 fuse, then the factor 0.725 always applies. If a circuit has more than one influence then the worst case only need be applied

How to apply factors

For example, if a circuit is grouped for half of its run, then separates through thermal insulation, we only take into account the worst correction factor, in this case, 0.5

How to apply factors

if a circuit is grouped for half of its run and also through thermal insulation, we multiply the 2 correction factors to give a total factor

0.57 x 0.5 = 0.285

Current Carrying capacity

The tabulated current carrying capacity of cable is referred to as It The required formula for calculating current carrying capacity is:

In It Cf
Cf = correction factors


In It C a C g Ci C c

A lighting circuit has 10 lamps and is protected by a BS3036 fuse, what current will the circuit draw and what current should the cable be able to withstand?

P Ib V

1000 Ib 4.3 A 230

Chosen from App 2 or manufacturer

In 5 A
In It CFs

5 It 6.9 A 0.725

Choice of cable size

Appendix 6 of the OSG lists cable types and the voltage drop, for example
PVC twin and CPC clipped to joists having a current carrying capacity (It) of 45A installed by ref method C (table 7.2 OSG)

Table is 6D1 and the column is 6 hence the cable size is 6mm2

Voltage Drop

Maximum allowance is 5% of the nominal voltage for standard circuits and 3% for lighting circuits
230v Lighting = 230v Power =

Voltage Drop formula

(mV/A/m) is from the tables in the OSG (6E and 6F) Ib is the design current L is the length of the circuit in metres

(mv / A / m) I b l Vc 1000

Voltage Drop example

The voltage drop on a power circuit supplied from a 230v source by a 2.5mm2 cable, 23m long with a design current of 24A will be: Maximum volt drop permitted for circuit is 5% of 230v which is 11.5v Therefore circuit is within Regulations


(mv / A / m) I b l 1000

18 24 23 Vc 9.94v 1000

Shock Risk

The earth fault loop impedance should not exceed the values given in Appendix 2 of the OSG
If it does you have to either:

Increase cpc size Consider alternative protection

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