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Sanjays mixed nuts

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200g Peanuts (Skin on) 100g Almond kernels (Blanched peeled) 100g Pistachio 50g Cashew nuts 10mlVegetable oil 2 tsp ground coriander 2 tsp garam masala powder 1 tsp sweet paprika 1 tsp ground fennel 1 tsp ground turmeric Salt & freshly ground black pepper 100g Raisins 1 Red Onion Finely Chopped 1 Tsp Cumin seeds

Heat the Vegetable Oil, in a roasting pan, and add the cumin seeds. Temper the seeds for a few minutes and add the chopped red onion. Cook for a few minutes and then add the ground spices. Add the nuts to the fried spices, and coat evenly. When the nuts have acquired an even coating of the spices, throw in the raisins and mix evenly. Enjoy Sanjays mixed nuts with a cool glass of nostalgia.

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