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Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Art Learning Intention: To select and record from first-hand observation. (Link to Science) Students to draw from an assembled still life of natural objects. Interesting patterns, textures and lighting to be discussed. How could these effects be replicated? Learning Intention: To use a sketchbook to collect visual and other information to help develop ideas. Students to gather dried leaves and bark and to photograph and sketch in the playground environment. Display some images on the Interactive Whiteboard, discuss what parts of the pictures are successful and what could be improved. Give reasons. Students to stick chosen pictures into their sketchbooks and annotate these, and their drawings and found objects, with ideas about colours/ media/ other resources they wish to use. Learning Intention: To investigate and combine visual and tactile qualities of materials and processes and to match these qualities to the purpose of the work. Students to produce a mixed-media piece using the information collected in the previous sessions. Learning Intention: To apply their experience of materials and processes, including drawing, developing their control of tools and techniques. Students to draw the view from Kite Hill with a particular focus on line, shape, form and space. Learning Intention: To use a variety of methods and approaches to communicate observations, ideas and feelings, and to design and make images and artefacts. Students to revise knowledge of perspective. Explain, by referring to artists work or through demonstrations, how to: make objects that are further away from the viewer smaller, to give the idea that they have receded into the distance make parallel lines appear to converge as they get further away from the viewer make objects paler and bluer as they recede (aerial perspective) arrange everything in the composition on the same plane (vertical perspective) Ask the children to select the approach to perspective that best suits their own ideas about their drawing from Kite Hill. Learning Intention: To use digital images as a starting point for collage work. (Link to ICT) Students to use photographs and materials from Hampstead Heath to produce a response to the visit in collage.

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