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Study Guide for quiz #8


a statement that contradicts itself but may nonetheless be true 2. a person or thing that is apparently contradictory or has conflicting aspects 2.peevish: discontented or irritable 3.perfunctory: done routinely and with little interest or care 4.philistine: a person who is smugly indifferent or antagonistic to are and culture; displaying or characterized by the attitudes of a philistine 5.precocious: displaying or characterized by unusual development or maturity, especially in intelligence 6.propriety: conformity to prevailing customs and usages 7.quid pro quo: something given in return for something else or accepted as a reciprocal part of an exchange 8.quintessential: being the best or most typical example of its kind herring: something that draws attention away from the matter at hand 10.revel: to take great pleasure or delight in something Verbals- verbs used as other parts of speech Gerund- verb ending in -ing used as a noun *noun is noun- subject complement Participles- verbs acting as an adjective Infinitive- to + a verb 3 categories of persuasion ETHOS- credibility, authority;tend to believe people we respect PATHOS- emotional aspect; persuading appealing to emotions LOGOS- logic, facts, statistics; refers to internal consistency of the message Aristotle's Rhetorical Triangle Audience: Who am I writing for? Speaker: How do I want to be seen? Subject: What am I writing about?

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